Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

good to know mate

You disagree?

Lads will someone reply to Tassotti?

They are bad and the cases the past few days have actually under reported the swabs.
They could be announcing anywhere up to 700 cases tonight.

@EstebanSexface @Julio_Geordio

Are we looking at an EXPONENTIAL rise in cases?


What was the most amount of cases we ever had on one day,”?

They’d be aswell off now to put us out of our misery and back into lockdown tonight.

It’s only going to be a Mickey mouse Christmas anyway.

Announced cases for the week are about 110 behind the swabs. So the 621 today, plus that 100+ will mean we are going to probably hit 700 cases either tonight or tomorrow night.

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I’m getting seriously depressed about this lads. Fucking 2 or 3 weeks between lockdowns? And it’s all fucking Wexford’s fault?

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Out to the pub fast

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I’m going to book a table for Sunday evening.
The pubs will be lucky to see Christmas eve.

Happy Christmas Barney

Pubs will be gone within 48 hours

Sad to hear that. A loss to the city

They’ll be closed anyways cause everyone will be dead.

Paddy has an awful problem with the drink. Dr Tony even said so himself

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Wolly is on a crusade, not 100% sure what the crusade is but he is in it
He could be on Claire Byrne / Orinetime next week,


Baldies are not to be trusted

It’s going to be a meaningful Christmas.