Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


Ye all partied

I didn’t realise there was a ferry from London to Ireland
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We won’t get to Tuesday.

Give me say 6 examples of these people.

I best head for Limerick tomorrow before this lunacy gets any worse

Don’t top yourself mate

They should have been shot on the spot as they tried to step off and kill us all.

Get out Tossy mate, while you still can.

70 cases in Limerick today. The All Ireland effect kicking in.

Brits Out! Brits Out! Brits Out!

I think the covid is just a pretext really.

It really is a titanic battle between Holohan and Leo. Just when you thought Holohan was finished he’s only gone and wrested control back from Leo.

It looked like Holohan had been overly aggressive with the Level 5 and Leo let him have the rope to hang himself. The tide of public opinion started to turn against him and we were all mad for our pints as the Christmas spirit built and Leo fever swept the nation. Holohan deliberately let things open when he knew the country was gasping for pints and wouldn’t give a fuck about the virus anymore.

He has the wind in his back, he has the numbers, he has scary new strain of the virus, he has a mandate. The country is his until late 2’21. Good night and God bless.


Flights and passenger ferries from Britain to Ireland suspended for 48 hours from midnight

Wtf @Batigol?

Thankfully no one was bothered celebrating the football win. We dodged a bullet there.

When Tony takes full control of the country will De Gascun or McConkey be his number 2

He will probably keep Harris involved in some capacity, looking after the photo copying


What if someone was landing in Heathrow and supposed to be getting a connecting flight to Ireland?

Thought they are allowed 50 in th church

Stuck in virus land. Typical of brits to take everyone out.