Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

A bit of guilt involved but less so than going and the potential guilt that the worst case brings.


All within the guildlines.

Serves them right for living in such a cesspit of a city.


Two of my friends are saying they probably won’t go for pints on the 23rd now. “Because of the numbers.” I need to get them on TFK and brainwashed somehow between now and then.


Or you could just respect their choice.


Fuck him. This is the kind of talk that is costing me my evening of pints with the lads.

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You’re right and I will not say a word against them. We had a table booked for 6 of us. If any a one of them are on for it I’ll be happy to go. As long as my mother is still ok with it in fairness, I’m not going to mak anyone feel unsafe.

Its a balls of a situation right now. Very hard to balance things. I was meeting a few lads on Monday night after the hurling and then one of them turned up with another 3 lads in tow.

I can’t take it anymore. First time in 44 years I won’t be with parents for Christmas.


The Irish in London live an awful existence. Seen it a few times with mates I had over there. Drinking all wkd in smelly, dingy pubs with drink stinking carpet. An awful spot.

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What do u mean by stuck?

Ye stopped Irish Patriots returning to their country. This won’t be forgotten. I hope Brexit fucking wrecks you you cunts


Eh no.

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The way I see it, it’s simple enough. It’s not that hard to respect the rules/guidelines as they are set out. So do that. If anyone wants to be more cautious than that fair enough, their call, they probably have reasons. If anyone wants to be less cautious, that’s not fair enough really.

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and nobody wants to be the cunt that says alright lads, we need to be practical here.

Make the most of this week lads. Cos I’d say come Monday the 28th itll be shut up shop.

Telling everyone back home how well they’re doing :smiley::smiley:

It is hard though. Foolish to think otherwise. It’s fucking hella hard.

I think it’s necessary but lads who don’t think it is and think its all a cod must be scraping the floor of the ocean in terms of their headspace

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Still a chance if you’re coming Wednesday no?
Keep the head up whatever else a mhac

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