Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

When the rules are clear itā€™s easy stick by them is what I mean.

theoretically but in @TreatyStones situation above nobody wants to be the cunt to call it out. Nobody on earth wants to be that guy

Especially in a local setting, the previous night a lad I hadnā€™t met in months came over to the table talking to us on his way to the bathroom. Sure I wasnā€™t going to tell him fuck off

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I was out for a few Thursday and Friday. I will be reigning myself in now for the rest of the week. Herselfā€™s parents are coming down and are very nervous so happy to do my bit to relax them, especially since my alternative idea of them staying where they were and me going buck ape didnā€™t get a very warm reception.


Sure iā€™m in a village. I hadnā€™t seen anyone in months when the pubs opened in october that time. I went for a few pints on the Thursday night and lads I played ball with down here were up hugging and fist bumping after 4 or 5 pints. I was at the table with a friend of mine and he got uncomfortable with the amount of people coming over. Sure what could I say. Weā€™ll drink this one and go pal.

there is no vaccine

Iā€™m after telling my missus I canā€™t go the in laws because I havenā€™t been very fastidious in my movements for the last week. She agreed.

Every cloud. Iā€™ll be spending Christmas at home in peace


The tension is ratcheting up incrementally.
Reality sinking in for many the length and breadth of the country and it ainā€™t pretty.

These are horrendously difficult days for many folk. Talk to someone, ring a pal, reach out - thereā€™s always someone to unload on.

Iā€™ll light a candle for you all every day till Nollaig na mban and weā€™ll all come through this difficult 2/3 weeks. Weā€™ve got to stick together and stick to the plan as best possible. Keep safe.


Weā€™ll all be spending Christmas on TFK at this point.
Not sure about the peace part

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Fuck Tipp


if fellas are pumping their aggression in here as opposed to the real world, what harm.

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I would genuinely worry for people over the next week. It must be soul destroying for people in the UK. Things finally looking up over the past few weeks, vaccine on the way, getting to meet loved ones for Christmas and then it all pulled away in a few hours. Some people will not cope with that.

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@Rocko is the publican of our times

No that will be devastating to a lot of people. A lot will probably spend Christmas alone in a foreign country.

Christmas is a tough time for people who are struggling normally. Iā€™d be very concerned about the effects of this on their psyche

Did you make a few bob this week?

weā€™ve come through worse (not us, weā€™re soft as fuck) but people in general.Adversity makes us. Weā€™ll come through this.

I will if Miami hold on in the gridiron. Never opened the pub


The most depressing thing about the irish in England is the old folk who went over backnin the 60s/70s who live alone and rely on the other emigrant community. Theres a large population of these folk who rely on Irish centres for company as they have no family over and little contact with what they left here


Society as a whole makes it through, but not everyone makes it with them.

forgotten people.