Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Always going to be vulnerable when you come out of lockdown mode though. I think it’s all futile really until there is a working vaccine.

Like a new signing even.


how do you mean futile?

To your point. Lockdowns work to reduce and control case numbers for a period of time but once you relax them the case numbers shoot up. Whether you lockdown or not there is no sustainable solution until a vaccine is operational


I doubt very much you wake at night worried about the hospitality sectors.

Grow up ffs

I’d agree with that.

The thinking behind zero covid is that you’d get longer between lockdowns with more of society opened up.

We also have roll on, roll off freight. So even if we could theoretically police the border, we would have trucks coming in and out daily with drivers who could have the virus. They don’t have the same issues in ANZAC with a lot more container shipping.

They have so far had three major border breaches.

Melbourne in June: local area specific restrictions didn’t work and they had a 3 month lockdown
Auckland in August: their localised lockdown and contact tracing worked after several weeks
Sydney right now: in play, but probably heading for a Sydney lockdown

In each case, the source is not fully established. In Melbourne the suggestion was a hotel breach but not fully established.

Zero Covid only works with cases so low that you can trace every contact ruthlessly.

You can multiply the incidents of border breaches here, it just wouldn’t work.


But then you are balancing the benefits of zero Covid with the economic impact. Which is the horse that has been flogged to death here for the past nine months.

which is basically the hospitality sector versus most other economic interests that depend on foreign trade - including the hospitality sector :smiley:

Holohan sent a letter to the schools for all parents. Anyone else get this?

Is level 6 being discussed in Ireland?

Arts degrees?

The CBS I went to had toilet paper that was more like greaseproof paper. Cut the hole off you so it would. If you weren’t extremely careful your finger would poke a hole in the paper mid wipe.


Ever in UCD?

I’ll refrain from making a Christian Brothers jibe here

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I thought about it but couldn’t get the balance right

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No. Bar Billings it’s culchies and southsiders only

The toilet paper in that place was legendary

Ger and Brian won’t thank you for ignoring them

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Good for them, It’s an ill wind I suppose

Christmas is only a cod.

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