Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The most wonderful time of the year and as always and even more so this year, what you make of it yourself.

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ah FFS mick - that’s a diabolical comment

I’m very sorry to hear this. You can still take up my offer for Christmas Day terrorist attacks on the Department of Health buildings.

The only silver lining I see is that TFK will be some craic on Christmas Day.

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I see Minister Harris is reminding everyone via Twitter that days get brighter from now on

This guys a clown


This new variant is manna from heaven for the zero coviders. Just when the vaccine approvals softened their cough for a few weeks.

More lockdowns. They’re great.


It spreaded rather than absorbed

Sorry, I forgot I’m pro-lockdown now.

Suicide, domestic violence, and other lockdown by-products are allowed. The main thing is that no sick old people are allowed to die of a virus. That has never been allowed to happen before, and it won’t happen on Dr. Cervical Check’s watch, OK?


Ditto. I have seen the light after hearing from @padraig_O_Gammon

That’s interesting. It just won’t and can’t be done with NI though.

the super markets are gone insane here, no chance of a turkey, I’ll try and get a bit of lamb and beef now in a minute, that French cunt Macron has closed the tunnel, there’ll be no fresh veg coming in, 7000 lorries below in Dover with no facilities, no wonder the Muslims wan to murder him, an appalling individual.

the British army are on every exit of the m25, you are not getting out without a permit

Maybe the new variant is a cod and borris is using it to smokescreen the other shit show he has caused?

Will we make it lads?

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Hugging will be outlawed by then

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Ian Dempsey’s listeners voted for hugging as the great hope for 2021.

Hopefully the kind of hugging you engage in after 8 pints when a 90s banger is played


The lads at home fit to crack, the women being hammered by their scumbag fellas, the people wanting to visit relatives or newborns, people waiting for cancer screens or other medical appointments, the people who’re watching the business they’ve spent their life building go down the tubes…sure they all just want to get out for a pint really


For all the talk of Brexit and a hard border it will be some craic when we’re the ones who put it up. Boris will have a right chuckle over that one.


Is there no cause you won’t jump aboard to get the pubs open again?