Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

What are they at up north at all?

Finger banging the shit out of each other, the dirty cunts

But it isn’t just restrictions being eased, it’s the fact that young people (teenagers to late twenties mainly) don’t give a shit as they saw the evidence that the disease either didn’t effect them or was very mild. How do you counteract that? Martial law?

What you’re saying basically is the west should have gone into lockdown in March and stayed there until enough of the population was vaccinated to achieve herd immunity, regardless of how long that took, six months, a year, ten years. Have a think about that.

The approach taken by western governments didn’t work, because 99% of those in such governments are morons. It’s time for people to wake up and accept that fact, as the evidence is all around us.



Heard of a local case of someone who returned from London last week, tested negative in the UK, has been out and about since being home and tested positive here yesterday.

Would ye not grow ye’re own veg?

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That’s not basically what I’m saying, basically what I said or basically something I’ve ever said. You’re making up things to have an argument. Have a think about that

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It is what you’re saying, maybe your too dense to realize it.

If lockdowns are the answer then you have to stay in lockdown. If you can’t see that basic point you should log off permanently.

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haven’t you realized yet there is no answer you thick, bull ignorant cunt. You aren’t going to solve it. It isn’t a puzzle.

Lockdown. Cases go down. Give people a break or else they’ll go fucking mental. Cases go up. Lockdown. Repeat until someone rolls out a vaccine

You think it can be solved by saying… Alright lads wash your hands and cough into your elbow. Carry on about your business


Pragmatically Western countries should just accept that it’s very good at freedom and individual rights and not so good at Asian fuck-acting and focus on what it’s good at. If there’s no answer then lockdown should end.

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Fucking animals… Anyone that has gone to a pub or for pints the last week or so have contributed to the death of their fellow citizens and an 8 week full lockdown on the way… Weak bastards can’t do without drink.

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I’d go 12 weeks and a minimum of 4 metres social distancing

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Close the off licenses too.

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Close all pubs and the off-licence for 8 weeks and we’ll be covid free no problem.


A curfew needs to be imposed

Wet pubs have been closed for 10 months pretty much. It’s possible (only possible mind) that people are getting this virus in places other than pubs


So you’re advocating locking down and opening up which according to you causes death. Isn’t that what you argued against a while ago?

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