Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

its house partys and lads slobbering all over each other, ban alcohol for a year is the only way

Paddy and mick love To play the blame game. They canā€™t take responsibility for their own actions.

Fellas will go underground for their drink. Theyā€™ll murder old people for a pint sure

Are the masks a cod ?


Correct, the biggest mistake that was made was assuming that a half assed lockdown would work the same as herding people into their homes in China and nailing the doors shut. And quickly burning the corpses.

Every time the pubs open cases spikeā€¦

The pubs are closed mate

My local is open and tonnes moreā€¦ Are they breaking the law?

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iā€™d have a member of the defence forces or the gardai patrolling 24/7 for parties with instructions to kill people consuming drink

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very severe custodial sentences are the answer

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drinking a pint in a wet pub should get you 8 years in prison if you ask me

Your local is a restaurant then. Pubs that only serve drink are closed and have been since March.

The thousands of people in the shopping centers must be sneaking into dry-pubs and giving people a type of the virus that doesnā€™t get contact traced back to there. We are fortunate to have a CMO that knows itā€™s the pubs though


Youā€™ve people leaving Tescos with trolleys of drink stocking up their shebeens. These traitors should be arrested

My local is bar/pubā€¦ It serves pints and has been wedged for a week. Dry/ wet pubs :laughing::laughing:ā€¦ Only in a a country consumed with alcohol would people differentiate

No. Youā€™re making things up to have an argument again

Paddy has an awful problem with the drink

Shoot to kill preferably

Ireland could be like New Zealand and covid free now only for the drink

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The terminology comes from the UK.

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