Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


We need to see soldiers on the streets

There was 760 odd positive swabs on Saturday and Sunday as well, so there is still a back log of cases, I don’t think we’ll be seeing any major dips in cases as it climbs, the trajectory at the moment is very much towards exponential growth

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Exponential growth are you sure?

Cases will have trebled in 10 days

There’s a protein spike lads

The smart fellas are doing 30 mins a day in the sun beds



Im guessing they will call a case number christmas eve … we’ll say +/-1000 so that will then tee Holohan up nicely for when they reappear on the 28th/29th and he will be able to use the positive boost from 25-26-27 dec where no tests were done/published to feed into the new year data so he will have some outstandng numbers to lead him into 2021

4th/5th Jan we could hit the magic 2k

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Here we go

This is the time for bold decisive action by a Cork Taoiseach, like in 1969.

The super COVID is definitely already here.

A starting point alright
What would you ramp it up to?

The Fizzle Phase indeed

I feel a lot safer with Dr Tony in the hot seat.

NIMBYS out? And then that post.


He takes a lovely long term view with the pubs. Other things can be opened or closed within a few days or weeks but the pubs can be ruled out months in advance.

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The hysteria is fascinating to watch


Could you imagine in the civil service did Holohan up for manslaughter or something over the Cervical Smear Test scandal.

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