Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Are you on the whiskey again?

727 cases and no deaths today


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NPHET said yesterday that the virus is spreading faster than predicted.

So you failed in your task of predicting the rate of spread of the virus?

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Look, fundamentally Holohan put us under a 6 week “circuit breaker” lockdown so that we could have a normal Christmas and New Years. And now we’re not allowed a normal Christmas and New Years anyway because he got it wrong. If he was an economist and not a doctor there’d be national inquiries into him by now.



This new strain doesn’t exist at all I’d say.

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You don’t exist


Oh, Its beginning to look a lot like lockdown, everrrywhere you goooooo…


Lockdowns don’t work. Unless permanent. Who’d have thought that.

Masks seem to make fuck all difference too.


Imagine the state we’d be in without masks or the lockdowns. Thank god for them.

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Christmas lockdown.

Get in, ya dancer.

Really? I thought they were a great addition.

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Great for the cowlt weather

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Lockdowns only curtails the virus. Anything else is just a waste of time.

Oh and masks.

Claire Byrne show tonight will be full on hysteria

“Welcome to the show everyone, enjoy your last Christmas on the planet”

Would you consider not watching it?

Tossy don’t pass up this chance for public adulation

I think you’re right
It only get me all agitated