Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

It’s Christmas. Stick on Die Hard.


That’s your best idea in years on here.

Shur no one wears them at house parties.

I’ve been telling you boys for months. Yer addicted to misery porn. It’s like listening to Joe Duffy.

Is it spreading 70% faster?

This 70% more contagious thing needs to be talked about urgently.

Firstly, 70% compared to what. What exactly is the unit for measuring this? Just R number?

Secondly, it’s my understanding that this 70% is just an estimate based on a computer modelling. No-one really knows.

This is from the Financial Times:-

Computer modelling suggests that it is 70 per cent more transmissible than other Sars-Cov-2 strains circulating in the UK and raises the R value — the average number of people to whom someone with Covid-19 passes the infection — by 0.4, which makes the pandemic far harder to control without stringent lockdown measures.

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The UK are great at modelling stuff

I wonder is this the same computer that modelled 250k dead?

I’m calling this new virus as absolute nonsense. A bizarre attempt at deflection from Boris


It’s actually hilarious. Of all the funny shit to happen in this pandemic, this is the best. Now he has to go along with the farce. “I was speaking with Macron about this”. Brilliant.

Meanwhile England burning down, no food on the shelves for Christmas, the economy in complete collapse, Boris keeps a straight face through it all, in too deep and can’t give the game away. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Hancock just threw it out there to justify more restrictions and the whole world bought it :joy:

More dangerous to children too according to the respected Dr Neil Ferguson

Waht peopel are forgetting is the British government said it was 70% spreading quicker, the same goverment that if they told the sky was blue you’d have to check yourself. Spoofers

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That’s some scary shit. I’ve told all my friends the new strain is a cod and now it’s going to kill their children. I’ll have egg on my face.

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More likely to result in soaring sales of chilli flavoured porridge


The teachers unions were ultimately right. There is absolutely no way the schools should have been open this week.

My teacher friends are telling me the classrooms are half empty.


Is that not the same Neil Ferguson that was having an affair with a married woman in London (during the first lockdown in which he broke the lockdown rules) after he predicted half a million deaths by the end of 2020 in the UK?

That scumbag should be in jail.


Sorry mate, I don’t know, I had full attendance today and expect the same tomorrow, I’d say y to be parents won’t leave them home under any circumstances :open_mouth:

But I’m avoiding these threads, just llooked at a few posts as I was tagged, some people are so entrenched in their views here that it’s scary, absolute madness

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We’ll have an almighty session altogether