Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Have you not followed these Covid threads for the past ten (10) months? This was decided a long time ago. On a technicality the virus isnā€™t dangerous, the disease it causes is. The disease is dangerous to certain subsets of society, the elderly and those with medical conditions, most of which have to do with being obese. Itā€™s relatively mild for most older healthy people and most younger people, under say 65.

As all your rights have been taken away, hereā€™s what I suggest @Tank. The hotels are empty, put all the old people in there and provide them with whatever they want, gourmet food, movies, porn, whatever. The obese are a little harder to deal with as thereā€™s a lot of them, maybe some kind of implanted chip that would warn them with an electric shock if they get within 6 feet of another human.


When has anyone from the HSE ever been taken to task for anything?It never happens and wonā€™t this time either. If a few of the head honchos were fired for gross incompetence the rest of them might buck themselves up but thatā€™s never gonna happen. Thereā€™s 0 accountability in the HSE.


I visited Auschwitz on 3 October and I made a long post after it, which you donā€™t have to go to the bother of reading.

Anyway, it was a very thought-provoking day and one of my big conclusions was that governments are too powerful and we need to return to the 1950s / 1960s law where every house in Ireland could have gun in the house that they kept locked inside a metal box.

The majority of Irish people want to give the cops the power to come inside your house at any time to check if you have seven people sitting in your living room. Constitutional rights like the inviolability of the dwelling are being thrown in the bin. Ireland is on the verge of fascism and I tell you any cop who comes into my gaff to check how many people I have in my living room is getting a bullet in the face.


at 12 o clock tonight, the people of Ireland are sent into house arrest, for no reason at the behest of clueless cunts like Psycho Holohan, Egghead and Monty Burns, bring back the 12 apostles for these traitors, Michael Collins would never have took this


To be fair, they have plenty of practice dealing with pandemics compared to our Duds.

I didnā€™t see that post, but its good to see we are thinking along the same lines, Iā€™d say the IRA need to get involved here, everyone I talk to at home has had enough now, the government needs to be removed

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I was posting last night about how my parents wonā€™t let me home for Christmas dinner if Archbishop Holohan doesnā€™t tell them itā€™s ok. If Iā€™m stuck in Dublin on my own for Christmas Day then Iā€™m going to go around the Department of Health on Christmas evening and shoot their windows out with a pellet gun.

Which reminds me, I have to mail order a pellet gun. I bought my can of spray paint yesterday.


Itā€™s fascinating to watch how happy people are to give up very basic freedoms because their betters tell them.

Who was on here a few weeks ago saying GardaĆ­ would not be knocking in doors and yet here we are and that is exactly what is proposed.


Itā€™d frighten you. People asking for more of their rights to be taken away. You now canā€™t decide who is or is not allowed in your own home. I canā€™t understand how any western country would tolerate a rule like that


All for a virus that has a survival rate of 99.7%


Thereā€™s zero accountability in government period, from a desk jockey in the civil service to the president. The desk jockey has arguably more accountability than the president.


They canā€™t even get clear messaging out to the Public. Useless cunts.

Some of these HSE lads cound be staring down the barrel of an ā€œunsatisfactoryā€ rating in their PMDS in fairness


When you work in a job where you canā€™t be fired and your given a promotion just cause youā€™ve worked there x amount of years how can we expect any accountability.


The horror of it

go home to fuck, it will be grand. I stayed with my parents last weekend and I was in Italy the week before, they are both over 70 with serious conditions, the whole things is an absolute cod and a con job, I am over and back to Ireland since July once a month, donā€™t believe the shite they are feeding ye in Ireland 24/7 on rte



They put out the Millennium Clock in Dublin again this evening in excitement for the Circuit Break

Be interesting to see what kind of traffic is around tomorrow and what the supermarkets will be like. They were fairly buzzing today.

Everyone will be in the supermarkets mate, stocking up on carbs and booze.

Closing all ā€œnon essentialā€ retail makes fuck all sense. Drives profits to the big multiples and to Amazon.

Masks were obviously a cod.