Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Mother isn’t even bothering to put up a Christmas tree this year. I said “why”. She said “what’s the point”. The joy has been sucked out of peoples lives. constant negativity no leadership or plan. Its death by a thousand cuts.


None of this has been proven to Joe and nuala public yet. If enough of them were on board and a good few prominent media and political figures believed it then there would be no more lockdowns. That’s what I meant in my initial point. This the ONLY battleground that matters. Prove that the virus is dangerous…or not. And not on on tfk in the real world.

That’s absolutely horrendous, please try and talk her around, don’t let these bastards win, go around Christmas day too and fuck them

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Sadly outside of TFK there are not many people in Ireland with the required intellect to grasp the nuances of the arguments. In case I get accused of bias, I base that on conversations with relatives in Ireland.

Dusted off the jump boots just there

I’ the village idiot on them

Thanks for nothing NIPHET


As good a proposal as I’ve seen. But for obese people I’d change it so they get an electric shock if they don’t run for 10km in day.


I’m very sorry to hear this news but I also think it’s very weird that you call your mam “Mother”.

Are you Mike Pence?

You asked yours could you go on holidays, now that’s weird

He left out ‘the’

I’m depressed thinking about the next six weeks already.

This weekend will be awful.

Another wasted bank holiday.


its going to be 12, you better start getting used to it


We’re here for you bro.

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Thinly veiled „I’m handy with powerpoint”

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I call her mam , left out “The”. Did come across as a bit private school preppy alright.

The funny thing is the Guards are saying they can’t knock in doors but the people are demanding they do!!!
We have lost all sense of ourselves


We’re a nation of bedwetters.

Claire Byrne show will have a “how to trick or treat safely” segment next week.


Ireland badly needs a few militias.

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Independence is wasted on ye.

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Cop on.

Gardai knocking on doors will get the same reception as those trick or treaters you don’t want to engage. Darkness & stillness.