Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

3 weeks of lockdown allows us 5 days of being open

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5 great days though. Are ye playing indoor soccer above in T2 or how are ye using the space

Are indoor sports allowed?

Sure who’d see ye?

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professional, elite sports, horse-racing and greyhound racing are permitted to continue behind closed doors

That’s golf done for again

So are coffee shops and cafes gone again?

It must be costing them a fortune keeping the place going. T2 was a ghost town for months. Picked up a bit in the last week but that’s been nuked again.

Has aldridge scored yet? (for Ireland and I think it was the Birmingham six asking the question)

Every party and NPHET itself seems to leak like a old bucket

Too cosy a relationship between politicians and political correspondents. Sure half of the latter usually end up working for the former in the end. They must be flat out gossiping on whatsapp.

Donnelly suggesting the new English variant is behind Irelands rapid rise in figures

Gyms open which means reformer pilates open.

We’ll do that standing on our heads.

Might do a trip to Glendalough pre county travel ban.

Looks like most of us on tfk were completely wrong and OIUTF and all that craic wasn’t as easy as we thought. I got it wrong anyway. :raising_hand_man:



Now a vaccine exists and there is an end in sight there’s a logic to locking it down to limit the damage.

However we are seeing no numbers now on how many cases are actually sick with it.

A lot of people are really struggling so everything possible now needs to be done to roll out the vaccine as efficiently and effectively as possible and people held to account over it.

We are operating on the basis that these restrictions will be in place for the first 2 months of the year

Clubs the pubs now ffs.

Clubs and pubs are closed pal

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Are we all LIDTF now so Father?