Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

These next two months are vital.

This is really really shit. At this point in time, as we stand i donā€™t think they can be blamed for locking back down again. Things are obviously escalating rapidly. The hospital numbers never really dropped post 2nd wave, so another surge in hospitalisations could see things get very serious.

It is really really fuckin disheartening though.


I think we are resigned to it now. Itā€™s not really a lockdown if shops and gyms can open.

Chin up pal. A vaccine exists so there is an end in sight.

Well itā€™s all about the vaccine now. God only help them if they fuck that up however

This is the final sting before we whup this thing. Try relax lads. Weā€™ll get there.

Golf and tennis too, me and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will be okay


Can we party Stephenā€™s night or not?or do we have to be home before midnight like Cinderella ?

In some ways I find it easier to take though now that itā€™s out of our hands. More of a in it together feel. The feeling that it was all a complete waste of time and our leaders were getting it wrong was even more depressing.

They dropped from circa 370 to about 190 right. I presume the reason they stayed static in icu was because they kept less serious cases in there while they had space.


We can drink and tfk like every other Boxing Day.

Off Licenses will be sold out by New Years, best get in early lads

For fcuk sakeā€¦ Iā€™ve based my plans on the TFK senate calling this whole thing a cod ā€¦there is a definite change in mood around here ,almost a new respect for the virus ā€¦


Can the hunt still go ahead on St Stephens Day?

I think we see the light at end of the tunnel. This is ending soon. Weā€™ll be back having pints and at music gigs and matches by the summer.

Itā€™ll be as good as over by the anniversary of first lock down. It could have been a lot worse.


We couldnā€™t roll out the flu vaccine . We need to let the Germans quarter back this for us

Hope youā€™re right ā€¦when do you think travel to our EU buddies on the mainland will back in full swing ?or will it ever be as good again?

which is all that really matters at the end of the day

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A few weak lads can hold off a few months. Sick bastards

I canā€™t read back, has there been a change of mood really?
The ā€˜itā€™s all a codā€™ crowd for turning