Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Dr tony was asleep at the wheel when the virus first came in . Nursing homes should have been locked down .

Outdoor training permitted :ronnyroar:

June. I’d hope. Big issue is airlines have mothballed planes so flights could be scarce come holiday time.

I think we’ve passed peak airline travel and while people will go away on summer holiday other trips will be less common including business.

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Christmas horse racing cancelled :sob:

There has pal. The OIUTF are now gone full tilt LIDTF. Was always only a matter of time. Like your kids ranting when they are overtired you know it’s just a matter of time before they fall in line and settle down again


On his personal twitter account at that . What other state secrets does he know

The 3 confirmed cases that I was caught up in last week (i was negative) were all asymptomatic.

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The vaccine doesn’t stop people getting it, only stops them getting sick. The media will keep this going for ages

It’s waaaaayyyy too early to figure out what the right thing to do was. In a few years time when the real excess deaths figures can be examined and when the non Covid deaths can be counted then we can say what was done right and what wasn’t. Until then it’s a guessing game.


Collective training allowed?

Silver linings and all that :clap:


A lot of posters are so very anxious to be right on the internet. Let the wisdom of @Horsebox be a lesson to ye all

I always take lessons from @Horsebox, he’s the greatest poster the internet has ever seen. Lads like @backinatracksuit could learn a lot from him.

But a lot of people here have been very adamant that we have been doing the wrong thing for a long time now, now it’s wait and see what the history books say??

History books are only a cod

I can confirm that.


History will be kind to Herr Tony because he intends to write it


They seem to have got it wrong again in terms of their models but are blaming the public.

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They’ll never get it right for the permanently outraged will they, it’s all Tony’s fault