Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Well he’s in charge of contact tracing and increasing ICU capacity and he’s done neither so, he might need to shoulder some of the responsibility


Nobody said it’s all their fault but they seem not to be accountable for any decision and even now are starting to obfuscate on vaccine roll out.

That’s a very balanced view but most people here, not sure if you were one of them, were fairly adamant that the approach being taken by Nphet and the government was completely wrong and that they were incompetent and possibly corrupt. Countless posters felt they should just open everything up and it would all work itself out. Seems fairly clear now given what’s happened in other countries and looked like happening here that that wasnt really correct.


He’s a very busy man obviously, you’d think they’d get him some help

Maybe if he stopped trying to run the country and instead focused on his job he might free up some time


Considering the way he tried to bury the Cervical Check scandal I reckon Tony isn’t planning on shouldering responsibility for anything.


You’re back posting in here then? What a fillip for everyone.

Run the country, Jesus wept,

You’d prefer a fella who’d be in awe of the government

It is in the place I go to for six aside. Generally speaking, non contact only

Varadkar says it will be another 12 months of this shite

Do you not think a risk averse approach to a pandemic was the most prudent thing to do? You’re saying wait before judging but on the other hand you were saying early doors to OIUTF when the consensus among the experts was to be more cautious.

What should have been done before the UK announced this new strain was send 7 or 8 plane loads of people to China on holidays for a few weeks.

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Sitting in the barbers now. Won’t go as short as the last time, full scissors job. I’ll see Paddy’s Day with this cut.

900 due to be announced. I gather there was a backlog of a few hundred as recent confirmed cases undershot positive swabs

The TFK cognoscenti have performed a complete volte face.

The mental gymnastics required by the whingers to justify this are going to be very interesting to watch.


It seems to be fizzling out.

Level 3 was working.


Why is there a backlog?

The testers were all out on the piss. Now the pubs are closed again be less sick days

Everyone landing in from all over the world getting tested, hopefully.