Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

If anyone’s feeling a bit down then watch the Claire Byrne / Pat Falvey thing from October / November about how to get dressed to eat outside.

“The thing I like about this jacket, Claire, is that it has a hood.”

Google Claire Byrne how to wear a coat

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The Limerick OIUTF crew don’t give a shit anymore because the Championship is over.

Who wants to be sat in a pub in January.

The gym and pilates is open.


Those all Ireland pints I had on the 13th were outstanding :clap:


Limerick hurlers have proven they operate at optimal capacity without the roar of the crowd. We need lockdown to continue til at least next July

There’ll be no pubs open for them to get full up in and then bate each other outside of

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Sandy Lane might be open, don’t rule them out

Is retail going to be open ?

Yes. Thousands of people can continue to pour into shopping centres

So, that’s the wrong thing then? There’s a surprise

What’s a surprise? I never said anything about it being wrong. Just find it odd that that’s allowed when other things aren’t

What’s not open?

Sure when they can bate ye instead like a red headed stepchild what harm?

Pubs. Churches. Barbers. Restaurants. Cinemas.

So places where it would be difficult to maintain distance.

Christmas retail will be difficult to maintain distance too.

January is going to be a very difficult month, I fear.

Exactly… No one needs the pub or a church… You can do both those things at home. Barbers and those services is a tough one… A strict appointment only should have been able to keep them open? Restaurants and cinemas obviously not ideal for an air borne disease.

I’m reading between the lines, a forgotten art it seems.
You’ll find a way to make it that they’re wrong no matter what happens, you’d want retail open if they shut it down, you’re comparing it to other services when that suits

When what suits? I’ve wanted things open all along.

Homes are the biggest source of transmission, you’d be much safer in a pub where social distancing is enforced than at home.

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A church at the best of times be lucky to have 50 people in them and usually 5-7people on daily morning mass .