Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Churches have started to rebrand as strip clubs in SoCal, as strip clubs have been deemed essential.

So they canā€™t open but the crescent shopping can load twenty thousand inside

What is socal ?

You have and youā€™ve carried on like a petulant child who doesnā€™t get his way for the guts of a year

Kerry yadda yadda


No I havenā€™t. Iā€™ve made my points. I couldnā€™t give a fuck if people agree or disagree with them. Thatā€™s their prerogative.

The petulance has come from the other side (especially yourself) who have constantly resorted to name-calling and petty digs

Herr Holohan yadda yadda

Ok mate

Youā€™ve bitched and sniped at every effort to contain the virus

As I said we wonā€™t know for a long time what the right approach was. I think the adverse effects of lockdowns will outweigh the pros in the long run as do plenty of experts but weā€™ll see. I certainly think the initial lockdown was the right thing to do as Iā€™ve said many times but we were too slow to come out of that in Ireland. I also have lots of issues with many aspects of NPHETā€™S doings since March but theyā€™ve been stated plenty of times before and Iā€™m not going to rehash them here.

They are using masks to fill shops far more than they did during summer when no masks.

Iā€™ve no idea what science they are operating on in terms of minimum square footage but there does not seem to have been an explosion of cases of shop workers getting it before or after masks.

I was in a couple of restaurants and bars over last few weekends. The bigger places were grand and people were well apart. Smaller places did feel less safe as distance was not as great.

A minimum square footage per person was probably correct way to go but weā€™ve gone for the blunt instrument.

There seems to be no data on where it is spreading so itā€™s finger in the air stuff from NPHET who have taken the view that once people drink alcohol they wonā€™t behave or maintain social distance.

There is a puritanicalism at play and why expect different from health workers who have a view of alcohol.

I disagree fundamentally with lockdowns


Iā€™m not sure whoā€™s coming and going from your gaff but thereā€™s just three of us with Brady and Sadie.

There are extenuating circumstances

I was thinking about it there myself today, what the lockdown meant for me. Iā€™m not a particularly social or sociable animal so the isolation side of things havenā€™t been a big issue for me. I could happily go without ever seeing the inside of a pub again. I can have a drink at home in peace when I want one. I miss having a bite to eat in a restaurant but I wouldnā€™t lose my shit over that. I had got back into the habit of going to the cinema and I had seen a great run of movies so I miss that. I donā€™t really have the attention span to watch a movie at home. I love going to gigs and I miss that and going to matches.

On the other hand Iā€™ve got much more interested in the garden and in making things like beer and other things.

All told Iā€™d say the quality of my life is slightly worse due to lockdown but not massively so and I wouldnā€™t be going on about it.


Iā€™m after exploring every nook and cranny of the 10k radius. Thereā€™s interesting things all round the place when you go and look.

Found ancient graveyards with names and dates . A load of memorials and monuments youā€™d pass and never look at in normal times.

Theres a monument to soldiers of world wars in the village thatā€™s interesting. One family got wiped out.

Fort Davis was manned during world war 1 and a lot of lads joined the navy as theyā€™d fuck all work

Not far off my own take on itā€¦ Swap in nappies for gardening and chai tea for home brew and Iā€™d said itā€™s a like for like of my own stance.


And a lot of people are in the same boat which is good. You have to balance that though with those people who have lost their jobs or worrying nonstop about their businesses going bust or young people who are having many life experiences taken away from them or older people who are terrified to leave their homes or see their families or people who were not allowed go to loved ones funerals. Itā€™s why the weā€™re all in it together brigade annoy a lot of people when the reality is lockdowns have meant very different things to different people.


Christ. Whatā€™s wrong with you?

Itā€™s also really hard for people who are in hospital - lads with terminal cancer diagnosis and cannot see their families is a torture all of its own.

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