Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

But isnt that life in general. Some people have a good life and some people have a shit life.

Are you worried about everyone that has a shit life all the time?

My back is playing up on me again :sob:

I knew there was something up…you are being a bit too even handed in your analysis for a cunt…

As for your back, you know the routine bud.

No but I just think you can’t say well lockdowns are grand for a certain cohort of society so we should only look at through their lens.

Sure you’d never make a hard decision then. Of course there are adverse outcomes from it.

The people who make decisions based on their expertise have decided the benefits outweigh the negatives, almost unanimously across the globe.

I’m starting to think I’ve bulged the disc again. That will be devastating if true. An MRI will have to be booked for January.

Look we won’t ever agree so we won’t get into it now. Happy Christmas.

What have you been at? The gym?


13 deaths.

What pain meds are you taking? You’re fair zen

Happy Christmas to you and yours

Yeah. Pretty sure I did it doing squats in around September and it’s been getting progressively worse to the point where I am in pain walking the last few days. FML.

Ha. None. I was on a course of 22 tablets a day for 3 weeks after the operation a few years ago and I’ve barely taken a panadol since. My stomach was in ribbons.

Welcome to the Crescent Tony

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Have people no fucking cop on? This place is rammed. Hold that and I join the queue

It’s relatively easy corral a one year old in terms of their social activities, it gets progressively harder as they get older. 5 year old has the energy of the fountain of life

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Reformer pilates to articulate your spine.

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Great post :clap: :clap:

That’s a really fair point and it should be recognised.

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People that have a shit life have it even shitter. It’s the least we’ll off that suffer most, as always.