Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The poor fella’s stuck in lorries on the way to France will have a tough Christmas this year.

The lads in the back?


Would they not be in the lorries coming the other way? Or is it that bad that there are fellas fleeing Britain now? En route to war torn states?

i was two days out but “Tony” is an easy man to read to like all dictators
he has it all lined up now, and he will have some heavy ammo as well when the numbers are published on sunday
He has crushed Varadkaar here, fuck me
this was some play


and on we go
The woke crew now wanted schools closed yesterday apparantly after castiagting Leo for closing them earlier in the year

Holohan, my god

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a 28 page essay i believe
landed on his desk this AM

Id give Holohan a job tbh…

Leo didn’t know who he was messing with when he called out NPHET on Primetime one evening, a few months ago

Come at the King…


@Horsebox 's continuing maturing as a poster is a source of constant joy to me.


He’s bang on there. Some people have the ability to see beyond themselves, some don’t I suppose

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They’ve been playing knifes spooney for months now. No winner declared yet.

A few lads would want to limit getting their updates on this bastern virus to once or twice a day and leave it at that. Otherwise it could drive them over the edge

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Interestingly enough, I think Twitter by this stage has gone overwhelmingly anti-Holohan and anti-NPHET. The twitter line is now basically that Holohan should be thrown in jail. But obviously that’s only a tiny section of society and fairly unrepresentative.

Irish Twitter is a nawful place

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I see it differently. When Leo broke rank on Tony the latter’s popularity skyrocketed. It’s ok to praise NPHET now without being called a West Brit shill. Twitter is team Tony

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Limerick with some of its highest ever daily case numbers in days 7,8 & 9 after the All Ireland.

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Twitter like TFK has flipped to LIDTF almost overnight

Fair to say a certain pub in the locality will be struggling to obtain a licence when it’s due for renewal.

Whats the story here?