Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

How is possible for the HSE to claim they upscale Contact Tracers by 220 in a week? How is that possible unless they plan on training them in their houses over this weekend?

This Madigan wagon is out now telling bare faced lies on Corky Cunt faced Coopers show.

Dr Maitiu (fond of a tv appearance) saying the lack of tracing is a mess.

The HSE are some shower of boyos.

Madigan thinks it’s unacceptable that Contact Tracing failed so miserably. Is it not relevant for a Government to even consider Level 5 restrictions without questioning Contact Tracing capabilities?

How is that acceptable?

Ground control to major Tom
Take your protein pills
And put your helmet on
Commencing countdown engines on


Nappies rather than masks should be made mandatory.

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Paddy’s Day 2021 will be our Independence Day…

We’ll get there kid

tenor (7)

Bob Geldof is known as one of the greatest cunts of all time for going in with the same self loathing shit ye are all at here now.

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Here comes Cullinane the SF spokesman on Health to join a discussion on the Hospitality sector? Segment on contact tracing just finished like…

I’m actually seething about this Contact Tracing debacle.

Yeah seemed to have been a serious about turn by you on the whole thing in your tone tonight. I thought you were taking the piss

@Tassotti has the lads whipped in to a frenzy. It’s a pattern

Cheltenham will be a fitting way to return to normal after this sorry mess.


Yeah I was going to say that too actually :sweat_smile:. He’s like some lads older cousin over from England when you were kids. All the younger lads smoking fags and showing off in front of him.


Lookit, I still believe certain restrictions need to be in place in a Global Pandemic.

What’s changing for me is that nothing has been learned from March. WHO warned of a second wave.

Government have been utterly useless at getting a clear picture across to the population of what was needed to keep numbers low. Instead they made a grand show of opening up the Country again.

The population has also left themselves down. Personal responsibility waned badly.

Accountability now has to be taken. Excuses of being hit without warning early doors are no good anymore.

Digest this for a minute, School Principals, GP’s and citizens being expected to Contact Trace. That is the final fucking straw whilst numbers are levelling off, deaths are not rocketing up and businesses are being put to the pin of the collars.

Enough is enough.


I agree with you



Lads with a killer disease told to go and ring their friends and family to tell them they may have it too. And arrange their own test.

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Who are you lads screaming at on the TV tonight?

May I add I’m extremely lucky throughout all this. A job unaffected by this pandemic. Living in a rural area etc.

But, it’s the fucking one sided coin toss treatment which is not on.

NPHET, the HSE & Government can direct us by all means but they will never bring us as a nation with them with levels of incompetence on such a scale as it’s actually hard to find a fair comparison.