Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

A funeral, wake at the house, mass, meal in a pub afterwards, and a further gathering back at the house afterwards with large numbers throughout. A number of people have gotten covid from it, one person has died (possibly the son of the original deceased man) and another is in ICU.

This is all information supplied by TFK. It may or may not be true.


How many underlying illnesses did the person who died have?

Rumour mill in overdrive, you should know better.

We all partied

Limerick flying along in 3rd there for no of cases in last 14 days…

Shur why not. They’re in the big three now

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It was a lady who died for original funeral and her brother who has died since. Big agri contractors apparently

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We have turned our youth into a criminal underclass

And a son of that man is in ICU?


The two of ye can sleep in the guest room that night, won’t it be just as good.


the world is fucked cc @Tassotti

What sane person is on twitter?

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per @Gman bringing my 6 year old son to see his grandparents on St . Stephen’s day for the wren is equivalent to attempted murder. Am i correct in understanding this to be the case as of now?


go on the 26th
you can check in on 26th and go home 27 (ok you’ll need to dodge the cops on the N69)
you can also extend to stay 27th nite
key element - you cannot check in after 26th,
was just off the phone to a hotel
PM there

You won’t get any hassle on a return journey home as long as you say you left home on the 26th or before.

yeah hotels got a letter from whatever federation per Magdelena i was talking to on the phone there that they will need proof stay is essential in writing from an employer for a check-in from 27th onwards. check in on 26th you can stay as long as you want

Wexford. :fearful:

Not sure about that.

It wouldn’t be surprising if the person that travelled from UK awaiting a test result brought the new strain with them. This has spread like wildfire in the region, many shops in towns in the area closed for the last couple of days due to staff contracting it from people or close contacts of people who attended the funeral