Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Jaysus Miriam is awful.

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Can we let children play together on the street . Is that okkkkkk.

Dangerous listing to these two .

Yerra has any one actually been stopped by the guards and turned around?

Beyond awful .

More or less the story. Woman died, she was 95. She had been ill in the weeks previous and her death wasnā€™t unexpected. In the preceding weeks, lots of people were visiting the family home. When she passed, there was a large funeral. The family set up a marquee at the house. There was an after funeral meal at the local pub which went on late. A huge amount of the family subsequently tested positive. Her son ended up in ICU in Wexford and he passed away today. He was overweight and had diabetes. Those two things on their own shouldnā€™t be enough to end up dying, but obviously left him vulnerable from Covid. Another son is in hospital in Waterford. Last I heard was he would be OK.

The cases from the funeral are huge. Doctor in neighboring village has over 50 of his patients confirmed. Whole place is shut down here now in all surrounding areas.

Have many posters working from home had their pay cut accordingly? A few friends in the private sector have been hit for a fair amount. Public sector workers from home on full pay is a bad joke


What do you mean by ā€œcut accordinglyā€?

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Whoā€™s he

Cut according to the fact they are not in the office?

Why would your pay be cut for not being in the office?

It should be increased to cover the fact you are using your own power, heat, broadband etc to enable you to do your job.


Depends on the work you do you might not be able do the same amount or to the extent from home. I thought this was fairly common.

I do more work at home because Iā€™m not playing football chairman in the jacks

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Lads from Hardy bucks, not the main lads

On what basisā€¦ That seems unfair. Your salary isnā€™t based on length of your commute

Iā€™d imagine any of the professional services / IT types on here are doing as much if not more work from home.


Far more Iā€™d say

Edit (on average to allow for @Bandage)


Perceived productivity I suppose. The fact they arenā€™t attending meetings in person. A solicitor friend of mine cut 40%, got 20% of it back going in every second day.

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Iā€™m quite happy I didnā€™t know that