Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Fuuuuuck that. Maybe something v specific she couldnā€™t do I donā€™t know but that it absolute horseshit

Did Donnelly just say there will be 10s of thousands of people sitting down for Christmas dinner that wouldnā€™t be there only for Public Health advice. Where the fuck would they have been.

Sure in any of those professional services you are selling your time. Thereā€™s no such thing as perceived productivity, its all measured.

That was savage alright, he had a kid in the middle of it too. Another friend down 25% as a solicitor. Another financial consultant type down 20%

Australia & Canada

True they couldnā€™t bill for X so the lads took the hit I guess

You must work for a right Mickey Mouse operation


The Irish government would fit that bill yes

How are things over in the ball bearings factory?

Iā€™ve heard of people whoā€™s pay was cut but so was the time they were working. Doing the same for less pay is bollox unless the company is on the brink or something

I thought our crew were bad. They asked us all for our addresses so as they could send out a small gift. Reckon a lot didnā€™t respond as they sent a few follow ups, obviously lumbered with a hape of boxes of chocolates.

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Image the heating bills if we get a cold snap in January or February. Nuala WFH in the spare room with the laptop, in a tee shirt and the heating on full blast from 7:00 am until 10 at night.


Whatā€™s bad bout that like?

You donā€™t want a measly box of Lily Oā€™Brienā€™s chocolates; you want a hamper full of ARTISAN produce that youā€™ll never eat and which also contains some lime cordial and strawberry lemonade.


Interesting observation, I wonder if the women in the office who moan incessantly about the temperature will be as keen to have the heating up full whack when they are paying for it themselves.


Itā€™s lovely and warm in the server room though.

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Iā€™d say thereā€™s no one printing anything these days either when they are paying themselves

The paperless office finally kicks in.

The heat off a bundle off photocopied pages is like a little hot water bottle.


Ill field this
No and i believe what you have been told is false unless they have entered into a totally different contract with their employer as of late.
Most cpmpanies had dec 15th as a line in the sand where the ā€œnew normal rulesā€ would apply. In August then this year June 30 2021 was announced as the new date as to how the existing status quo would continue for, again there are no grounds to change terms between employee and employer or vice versa as terrms are dictated by the government.
In november this year most multinationals began to issue guidance that they were ā€œre-evaluatingā€ the state of play and by mid Q1 '21 would issue guidance for how the work place would look post 30 June '21. Employees would be advised on a no.of options pending their role - there may be a possibility to work full time from home, adopt a more hybrid model or full time on site, Pending wich ā€œbucketā€ one is categoriesed in by either role or preference then new rules of engagement may need to be agreed on w.r.t. compensation of employee,

This is not an overnight process tho and is something that carried a lot or litiagtion risks if not done correctly.
Unless these punters are paid by the hour i see no way as to how their salaries could change

Shtop. I should be paid a subsidy to work from home.

Trying to run a small empire from an ould badly insulated corner office in the garageā€¦

With the ould fella dropping in for a chat in the mornings and expecting a deep conversation on the price of manure. The wife and her never ending lishteen of jobs for doing around the place and the kids running amok in the afternoons.

I donā€™t know how I do it.