Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

League Sunday

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But the Toy Show is on!!!

You know my thoughts on Pubs, let them police their premises. If they canā€™t then close them.

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The crappy judge dredd

There isnā€™t a strand of cannabis strong enough to make me watch that.

One for everyone in the audienceā€¦

Mayo for Sam

Jesus youā€™re almost making too much sense tonight

What happens if you refuse to pay these fines?

His accounts been hacked

As Iā€™ve said from the start.

Itā€™s a health service crisis, not a pandemic crisis.


Let me be clear. Publicans in certain areas of Ireland where Celebrations took place after matches obviously thought Covid was all a cod. Those kind of fuckers are extremely dangerous and have in their greed and incompetence sullied the name of the GAA.


I would happily never smoke another joint ever if someone could absolutely guarantee that those cunts never win Sam Maguire. EVERā€¦

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Theres a distinct air of desperation/hopelessness and even weariness around here tonight. The fight seems to be gone out of a lot of lads.

Send in the clowns

There ought to be clowns

An old lady has more balls than half the windy cunts on here.


What a lovely lady. Thatā€™s what won them the War.


I will agree with what you said that . . . ā€œItā€™s a health service crisis, not a pandemic crisisā€ . . . . my thoughts exactly . . . a virus with a fatality rate of about .05 % (approx.), most of whom are over 80 or have underlying conditions (and Iā€™m not for one minute suggesting that those lives are not important). However, to completely shut down a country and put so many people out of work, business closed for good, economic disaster for years to come for many people. . . not to mention the others restrictions: canā€™t visit family members, etc, is like taking a sledgehammer to kill an ant . . . at some point we are going to have to live with this virus . . . when is that going to be: 2022? . . . Yes, please wear masks, practice good hygiene, and social distance as much as possible . . . how many hospitals could have been built, how many nurses and doctors could have been hired, how many proper medical facilities could we have, for whatā€™s itā€™s going to cost in PUP payments from last March to whenever this S*** finally ends. I have very, very, elderly parents, and even they agree that the country should not be in lockdown because of what might happen to less than 1% of the population.


Alright sort of the year right there