Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

No fear of me @Lazarus

Weā€™re in a drought now but thereā€™s a flood coming.


Eldest got notified of being a close contact Wednesday night tested yesterday got notified at 9:15am that heā€™s positivešŸ˜© Happy Christmas indeedšŸ™ˆ has no symptoms yet anyway and rest of us are fine touch wood so far


Sorry to hear that pal, hope it all turns out ok anyway.

RIP and Happy Christmas

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This blade was ahead of the curve

Itā€™s plain to see this is on top of us now. Our only hope is peopleā€™s common sense and the vaccine.

So itā€™s really only the vaccine

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Congrats mate

The MILs test result came back NEGATIVE. Weā€™re all very relived and now we can get on with the Christmas.


Great news. I misread that initially as the MILFā€™s test :see_no_evil:


Could be same person surely?


I didnā€™t want to post in this thread yesterday but did Archbishop Holohan issue a public statement during Christmas Dinner confirming that the London strain was in Ireland? WTFā€¦

Leo said it a few days go too. The travel ban to Britain is now pointless

Probably not when he was trying to block investigations into the cervical check scandal


How would you even find that tweet? Even the two people for RTā€™d it are random enough

Maybe the fridge owner hates women with cancer?

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No idea a lad sent it on to me

Would you mind asking him

Iā€™ve since fallen out with him

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