Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

But tassoti/chairman dan said no one will lose their jobs in England?

I think you are right but every health service seems to be screwed.

Maybe just get them a little gift.


“Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Albert Einstein

"A real champ champ fights through adversity" Conor Mcgregor


:clap: :clap: :clap:

If proper procedures were in place, anyone who felt ill would be tested promptly, would then isolate until a prompt result was verified, contact tracing would then take place and generally with all those procedures followed with personal responsibility then the health service should be fine.

Unfortunately the cogs are not in motion, the leadership is absent and personal responsibility does not exist.

I think controlling this virus might be beyond humanity.

It’s certainly beyond FFG and the HSE


Finger pointing and virtue signalling in hyperdrive


No one in power cares about controlling the virus, its controlling the narrative that matters


Conor mcgregor will get the

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Spl and loi legend Gary Dempsey on the case

Just been watching Gogglebox Ireland and it’s terrible to see the reactions to the announcement from last week, people are really sick of this. I can’t wait for the next episode to see what they make of the bullshit this week.


In the realms of hearsay I know, but talking to a friend I hadn’t heard from in a while earlier today. He has a brother and sister in law (missus of the brother) both oncologists. He was saying the two oncologists are both absolutely scathing of NEPHET. The view from both of those consultants on their colleagues in the medical profession in NEPHET is a - crowd of nerds with their graphs and spreadsheets who haven’t practiced medicine in years running and holding the country to ransom. The only matrix that seems to matter is the fear of ICU beds running short.


The very fact that those in power are trying to negate a virus by having the country run away from it, is like something from a Simpsons episode. You cannot run from a virus. All you can do is let it take its course, while practising the usual safety protocols and keeping the country running as normal.

These lockdowns are insanity.


That’s the sense I have got since it was announced, for all the polling of this I’m not sure people actually like the reality of 6 weeks coming into winter where you can’t do anything.

That said, you’d imagine that negative reactions would be heard more now. I suspect though that Breda and co won’t be happy until the whole are closed.

And this from a GP in Annacotty, Limerick



Don’t think you sports so you wouldn’t know


My biggest issue atm is you have medical professionals like your friends, who know more than me, probably everyone on here, the media and the screaming Mary’s yet if they speak out against NPHET and give their opinion, they get cancelled