Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

He is as much as possible

What in the Holy fuck are you on about

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Bill is a hypochondriac


What concern is it of yours . You cark cunt

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If only they’d known about it in advance they could have had systems in place

Varadkar not bothering to get a briefing before his chat with Gavan. It’s some shambles.

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Have you tried shoving it up your hole?



Good lot of “we shouldn’t measure ourselves against Israel” deflection in most of the comments about how quickly they are vaccinating compared to us.

Or Bahrain, they are flying it but are terrible on human rights. Because Ireland will never allow the state abuse its citizens and cover it up. Its mad the moral high ground peopel take to defend their position regardless of how unrelated topics are

Wtf is there a circus tent up in Leopardstown for? Can circuses go ahead?

Your stupidity is a real concern, ring Shannondoc

It’s a drive in show

The Big Top also works as an art installation commenting on the current situation we are in.

Thick cunt.

Ah go visit your gp lar corbett. I meet pussy lads like you every day . All mouth . Pussy

Thick thick man, it’s the simpletons like yourself need the most minding.

Ya heard it all before you pussy of a man .

It’s okay kid.

A sad internet troll . Fond of the internet a bit too much I’d say .

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