Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Keep your tipp nose out of my business.


You posted your business online on a public forum fella


Booked in for my private test . “Money no object”, can’t be waiting around for the bureaucracy and red tape with the HSE .

If money was no object would you not have done it first thing this morning then instead of pissing and moaning about the HSE all day


I’m not explaining myself to you . I have the right channels now . Money :money_mouth_face: not an object kid . Happy new year

Watch this janesboro wha , having cheap shots all day .brave .

Numbers are way down

They’ll rise again in the next few days. 2k daily cases by the 1st I’d say.

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Rookie numbers

Deffo. This new strain is taking no prisoners believe you me …

McDonkey is self isolating.

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Every cloud…


Open the pubs

A solutions man


I’d volunteer for Tuesday and Thursday nights between 8pm and midnight for all of Q1. Celtic are already out of the Europa League.

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I don’t really believe Colm there

What reason would you have to doubt him? He’s going farther than some of the moaners on here. A doer.


Did I miss something? What has he done?