Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Stepped up. Stepped the fuck up. A hero.

I thought that might be it alright :rollseyes:

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It was right there tbf.

Looks to me like the words “herd immunity” are doing a heel turn with the Lockdown Lovers now embracing it.

“Sure there’s no mad rush, we need herd immunity anyway before we reopen guys”

The lockdown lovers are at home on full pay. Why would they want it to end?


Wolly needs to “pivot” to a current affairs podcast during GAA close season

He is the only journalist asking the hard questions

Ewan doesn’t like this

I’m at home on full pay and I am with you.

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It’s going to take 4 vaccinators a day to do facilities with less that 30 residents. Handy gig if you can get it I’d say.


Yeah very handy. It takes less than 60 seconds to administer a vaccine. Thefour of them will be standing around scratching their holes most of the day.

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Sounds awful to me but each to their own.

I just can’t get over this.

It’s either an emergency or it isn’t.

Covid either doesn’t take a break for Christmas or it does.

Don’t mingle, don’t do anything to risk spreading the virus, this is too serious…by the way we have the vaccinations but we’re going to sit on them for nearly a week. Do you see the complete contradiction there?

I think the majority of Sunday papers didn’t catch the public mood today. A lot of them went with yesterday’s forklift photo op and accompanying “ray of light” headlines, but the 8 (eight) people I’ve spoken to today are angry and mystified at this latest fuck up.

One of them is a very, very intelligent and logical person (an actuary, cc @flattythehurdler). Her view was that, if cases are going to increase appreciably any time we come out of lockdown (exacerbated by the new strain), and they’re going to impose/retain restrictions now because of that fear, then the vaccination programme is naturally the way out and it surely becomes much more important than testing and tracing.

In other words, every available resource should be thrown at the vaccination programme. They should be hiring, they should be working 24/7, they should be setting ambitious targets rather than trying to temper expectations and making an already fatigued public even more pissed off at their snail pace plan.

In fairness, there were some dissenting media voices too - Colin Coyle in the Sunday Times, Tom Lyons in The Currency, Gavan Reilly on his radio show today.

It’s beyond baffling. Heads need to roll over this. I’m seething.


In the document they estimated a 12 minute time for vaccinations. So six hours for one person to do 30 people. Now its taking 4 times as long already and they not even started

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They can lockdown and shut while industries quickly but they can’t take a vaccine out of a box for 4 days. As you said, this is either a public health emergency or it isn’t.

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The vaccines are a cod


The Health Service is there to benefit the providers/staff not the users. Lockdowns are being advised by the HSE for its own benefit. It’s always been this way. Imagine working in the hospitality sector and refusing to work the weekend. It’s ridiculous. Check out any hospital car park and surrounding areas at weekends. Deserted. Packed Monday to Friday.


Good girl yerself


Exactly correct.