Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The same lads cribbing about absolutely everything since March are the ones now cribbing about vaccinations. No surprise to see

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Sure they can blame poor Ashutosh for everything once that blows up in their face


Its not about the vaccinations its about how useless the irish civil service is at organising a mass vaccination program. Its not like there has been a deadly virus around for 9 months or a vaccine known about for 2 months.


Hardly surprising that people giving out about being locked down are the same people giving out that they don’t think the vaccine is being rolled out as quickly as possible, given it’s been made clear that the vaccine is the only way out of this lunacy?


The vaccinations will happen. Rushing it and fucking it up isn’t going to benefit anyone either. The HSE isn’t built for speed and is never going to be.

Getting all hot about it is only going to give ye ulcers lads.

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But they won’t rush it and they’ll still fuck it up. That’s the problem. There’s a phrase “Fail fast”


They won’t rush it and will still fuck it up though.

I’m confident the other countries success and reopening will shame the HSE and NPHET into getting their act together and we’ll be back at it by April

What if they do it right? Everyone has already made their mind up they’ll fuck it up.

They’ll do what they can

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Which countries have had success?

Interesting concept

It was a prediction

Then I’ll happily give them praise. Are you happy with what has been outlined so far?

Maybe people would feel better if there was a vaccination plan communicated?

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Agnostic. They’ve had to procure it and are dealing with a beaurocratic department. Probably could have been quicker but I’m surprised they’re even where they are to be honest.

Would you take a vaccination in the first batch? How many here would?

It’s very important this is done both well AND quickly, and it’s proper that people expect (and demand) both. Lockdowns and restrictions are a massive imposition on people and getting this vaccine out there is the key to ending them. We’re forever being told this is a health emergency so getting the vaccine out there needs to be treated with urgency

I would yeah.

Some lads don’t believe bin 21st century science. If it was an all Ireland ticket theyed be screaming for one , a vaccine to save lives " hummmm let’s not rush it ".

Sexface is on the prowl for a fight tonight. Don’t please him lads.


You already seemed to have decided we’ll do neither and are cribbing before the fact. If we get going this week as planned we will be ahead of some and behind others but won’t be in desperate bad shape at all