Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

How is the lockdown going lads?

Holohan has assassinated Ireland

I’ve met a few of those in my day


Great to hear on Radio 1 this morning that the guards WILL be posted to beaches across the country to clamp down on any rowdy barbeques or boisterous volleyball games that threaten to break out as we move into November.


Crime rampant all over Dublin and the guards wandering around Dollymount annoying dog walkers.

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People walking on the beach is a high risk activity, there is savage transmission

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Waves of covid crashing onto the shore from America

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This is a very good point. That’s why we have had various restrictions based on various levels of outrage.

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First you’ll have walking, then free association and before you know it you’ll be sacking the palace

Drove into the city this morning and traffic levels pretty similar to the last few months. Going to work if you’re allowed is people’s only social outlet. Sad times.

I see Martin and Donnelly are referring to the collapse of contact tracing as an “operational initiative” by the HSE. These people take us for fools. I genuinely think anybody canvassing for FFGr in the next election deserves to be shot in the face, as @Tank has suggested.


meet them at the front of the house


fucking quislings


RTE are a thundering disgrace, they are revelling in it


I’m gonna get out and go for a 4.9 kmwalk and then just stop and stare longingly at that other bit of Cabra that has suddenly become out of reach

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Thank you tony


Positive case location for the week up to Midnight Saturday 17/10
A selection
3982 Private Homes
311 nursing homes
139 Hospital
118 Schools
59 Travel
21 Public House
19 ALL sporting activities and fitness

he hasn’t a notion

Hour long delays on the M1 because of a Garda checkpoint asking where you are going.

Calm now, he is on Claire Byrne now.

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I’m gonna keep myself busy during lockdown 2 by seeing how many of my neighbours I can report for breaking the rules. I might even make a little game of it and keep a league table