Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

And rightly so. Weā€™ve given up ever single right we have without so much as a quibble. Most of the population is asking the government to take away more of our rights.
In China you have to get your face scanned to get on a train now and if you are against the government they can just take away your ability to get on a train etc.
Amazon, FB, Google etc basically know everything about your life and bad actors are using that info to manipulate us.
If you arenā€™t terrified you are fucking stupid


Will you swap all that for the vaccine quicker

Not terrified, possibly stupid

It would put me off moving to China anyway

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The cunts calling for more restrictions are sitting at home on full pay.They should be taken out and whipped the stuip cunts.



12 months ago I would have laughed at the chinese all wearing face masks going about their business.

Its frightening what the media and governments can do.


You wan flied lice?

I went up home to a funeral 3 weeks ago, I simply had to go my 80 year old neighbour had died and not goin to his funeral would have been like not goin to my fatherā€™s funeral. I sat in my home place watching his funeral on my phone wearing a mask beside my mother.I felt like a fuckin leper.


The PSC or a vaccine passport doesnā€™t bother me half as much as the algorithms harvesting our data and manipulating us. The erosion of what should be inalienable rights such as freedom of movement and freedom of assembly are far more terrifying.
You donā€™t have the right to go home anymore. Is that not insane?
I donā€™t think Leo or MM are acting as some sort of dictatorship but I do worry about the lines weā€™ve crossed and who can cross them again. ā€œIn our interestsā€

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Total madness, mate.

Sorry to hear that.

Before christmas they had the cheek to advise people to stay in their bedrooms in their own private houses if they were travelling back from the UK.

What the fuck gives them the right to say that.


It is insane. Absolutely insane. You canā€™t have a visitor to your own home either. I canā€™t believe people are accepting this


Itā€™s not greatā€¦ Is it insane? Probably not. Its not like this is a Solo run half the world is doing the sameā€¦

As with all these things the truth is somewhere in the middleā€¦ Is this thing a total codā€¦ Noā€¦ Is it the biggest threat to humanity in 500 yearsā€¦ Noā€¦

Is it a joke that we canā€™t get vaccinated the same day as the britsā€¦ Yesā€¦ Is it a material issue if we are a few days behindā€¦ No


We were in the graveyard keeping our "distance"and as they were dropping the poor auld lad into the grave my poor auld mother started crying as they were in the same class in school together and lifelong friends and next door neighbours and I went over to her and hugged her.Im only right this week as I thought to myself I could be poisoning her with Corona but sheā€™s fine.Fuck Tony and his crew.


As a covid survivor mate, what were your symptoms like etc?

Not ball hopping - Iā€™m presuming its pretty much like a bad flu, am I wrong in saying that?

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Very tough Massey, I was in a similar situation - family funeral in May and I just went over and hugged my mother and father.

Fuck that, I wouldnt if I was feeling unwell but I havent had as much as a sniffle throughout 2020.

Its very wrong what Holohan and co have done that way.


They made a mess of it mate , iv to put my hand in my own pocket to get a test , getting fobbed off by hse employees all day . Canā€™t put my colleagues minds at ease half quick enough, if it was just me and my family Iā€™d wait for their week or so or whatever it is . But iv been in close contact with loads of people , I told them this and itā€™s like pissing against the wind .

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I think itā€™s a yes to your last question. And it seems like 90% of the population agree

Iā€™m lucky to be fair mate that I can work away from home, and I donā€™t have that pressure re close contacts.

I suppose you have to do the test if your work dictates it, Iā€™m not sure I give much credence to their reliabilty though.

I wonā€™t go down that rabbit hole though. :grin: