Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Course it isnā€™t. But if we are a few days behind after a week. How far behind will we be in 6 months when everyone else is finishing


There was problems at the start those private testers but il apply for a hse one tomorrow with my own gp , might be a week before I get it tho . There are lads on here posting away riddled with the covid and completely oblivious.

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There is a good chance that holohan and the gang are doing their best in a very difficult situation (and thatā€™s putting it mildly)

Fuck Holihan

I disagree and I have done since the start of this.

Locking down, opening up and locking down again hasnā€™t worked.

Its madness. Level 2 or 3 would have been fine.

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As I near closer to my test I can say the battle is in my head . Im like austin powers when he loses his mojo. My body and breathing are fine but itā€™s like a cloud over me . What if I gave it to this person is all Iā€™m thinking. All goes back to opening the country and the disregard the government has for us . Make a couple of quid for the tax man .

Youā€™ve been conditioned to feel like a leper,thatā€™s what they want

Theyā€™ve won . Iv ordered 200lbs of bat . Iā€™m one of them now .

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My point is they MIGHT not be doing it in bad faith or just because they are evil cunts. They have a very very hard job. In fairness Iā€™m a bit of a soft cunt and I think that ministers have a tough job too.

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I think theyā€™re thick cunts toeing the line mate bar the odd sick cunt. Iā€™d say a few of them in Nphet may even realise theyā€™ve got these lockdowns wrong. None of them are necessarily nefarious individuals.

Probably wouldnt be prudent for their future career prospects to speak out though.

The whole face mask thing as well theyā€™ve got wrong clearly. Mandatory since July and now weā€™re in our ā€œ3rd waveā€.

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Thereā€™s no armchair expertise here. We have two dozen European countries underway with it. Clearly someone is not at the races here.

Regardless, it is shit optics. As I said, even do a couple of people today for the cameras. Many people woke up with no job again this morning. Many went home after Christmas not sure when they will see family again. Many didnā€™t see family at all at Christmas. This is shit looking politics, with Varadkar looking like a twat saying he doesnā€™t know why they couldnā€™t start today.


We needed a few Germans in here to quarterback this. Instead we have an egg head with no proven record making it up as he goes along . Ya he means well but no plan . Asking for time in our finest hour after fucking us


I said it before weā€™d be far better off being run by the Germans,Mick just canā€™t help himself. Weā€™re stone fuckin useless.


Was there not something a month ago where us and another country hadnā€™t responded to the EU in time with a vaccination plan?

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But it is a material issue surely? We are in a high growth stage at the moment. 4-5 days growth with an r number of around 1.5 when you have 1000 or so cases a day leads to 6000 extra cases immediately (first generation) and then further again. If the death rate is 1% (worldometers reckon 3% of concluded cases, our own rate is actually about 2.1 so far but weā€™ll drop that because itā€™s not as lethal as it was) thatā€™s 60 extra deaths here. Because we waited 4 days. Iā€™d say thatā€™s material. *

Can someone please check my mathsā€¦

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Neil Ferguson over in Imperial College London predicted 500 thousand deaths in the UK by the end of this year.

These fellas and their prediction models need to be stood down.

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I far from agree with everything thatā€™s happening but that all seems a bit bat shit crazy and trumpy to me but maybe youre right.


Dr De Brun and Dr Pat Morrissey deserve a lot of credit for speaking out.


Pats my GP

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