Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Can I get a gluten free covid jab please .

I thought that was a projection if no action had been taken by the Government to suppress the virus.

It’s like the great famine again , nothing has changed . Give the Irish sweet fuck all . Why are we in europe , paying them back hundreds of billions . Did we get 10000 jabs because we put out our hand again begging.

Over 50% of our deaths come from nursing homes.

We have 70k nursing home residents and 10k dosages. After just 10 days, this gives a good reaction.

The virus is rampant again in the community. It could easily spread into many nursing homes again and cause a material number of deaths by waiting a few days.

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His record below speaks for itself mate, he has a history of getting his numbers spectacularly wrong.

Hows that covid app going on your phone by the way? Another failure I guess.

The government and not just our own have made a complete balls of this.

The vaccine is brought over to Ireland in a super fridge on a plane .we have 4 fridges now . So do we have to roll these fridges up on the plane some lad fill our fridge and roll it off and maintaining -90degrees all the time . We should be informed how it’s going to work .

Mental health me swiss. For all I’ve heard of about ww2 I’ve heard fuck all about the mental health aspect. More about lads with one leg and a metal plate in their head


That is a completely different issue. You’re projecting a total failure at this point because we are a few days behind.

That’s the crux of it. Shit optics. I’m not massively interested in the optics tbh

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That’s fair.


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I would

Flying it altogether. No close contact alerts yet thank god :wave:


The HSE didn’t have the forms ready by the looks of it.

Why the 4 day wait tho? The gang of experts are on some form of media every day since last march warning us of the grave danger the country is in and then almost silence about the vaccine … If we’re in a true emergency then surely we act ASAP?


How many have the Israelis done in a week?

You know what I can’t trust either MM or LV, the vaccine passport does worry me as to what can it lead to down the line. These fuckers have suggested allowing guards enter your home without a warrant and some people clapped like seals saying its a great idea. We were all fools giving big tech our data but we need to be careful what we do in future

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