Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Isolate you prick

I am

Turn off your wifi

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Stop barking orders

I know a fella whoā€™s wife had it and he didnā€™t despite sleeping in the same bed

Did she make a recovery?


We seem to do crisis management ok. So when shit hit fan in March and options closed down we sort of chose the only path available and even took over private hospitals and built in additional capacity. It was amazing to see what happened then and although mistakes were made around nursing homes it felt like they reacted quickly and put measures in place to deal with the surge Italy suggested we faced.

However once we have time to plan we seem to be like rabbits in headlights and do nothing. Nothing seemed to have been done over summer. Nothing seems to have been done to prepare for mass vaccinations.

Itā€™s either because once there is breathing space nobody wants to take on responsibility for getting it right and being blamed if it goes wrong or more likely the petty bureaucracy comes to the fore again and hamstrings planning and prevents any execution of a plan.

Itā€™s infuriating


Thatā€™s bollox.

Who actually sleeps in the same bed as their wife FFS.


Do they have symptoms

My wife was positive back in October. Myself
and our two sons were negative and we were around her the whole time even after she tested positive. She had no symptoms.

Why are you making this up?

Heā€™s obviously ill

Could a reason she didnā€™t transmit it to ye be down to good hand/cough/sneeze hygiene etiquette?

The 4 year old uses the elbow religiously whether itā€™s a cough or sneeze. Just the norm to her now

Nothing so far . The wife has symptoms alright she is getting tested tomorrow.

Just back from the test like a conveyor belt with cars going in and out well organised to be fair and luckily only a 2 minute spin from the house

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Iā€™m not you dope . I didnā€™t ask for this . The wolf is at the door now and itā€™s time to face him .

When will you get the results ?

Once theyā€™ve processed the sample, silly.

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I donā€™t think that was it. She never had a cough or sneeze. Only for the test sheā€™d never have known she had it Iā€™d say she was a false positive and the pcr test picked up fragments of virus but she never was infected.

I read somewhere else most people donā€™t spread it but one in ten are super spreaders who shed the virus and infect anybody remotely close.

Nobody seems to know for sure if it can be spread by people with no symptoms.

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