Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Thatā€™s the crux of the issue.

Another lad I know. His wife had symptoms and tested positive week before Christmas. He was sure he would have it but he was negative too.

Iā€™d say itā€™s a combination of bureaucracy, nobody wanting to take responsibility, and the claims culture in this country.

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Too much middle management. Was all by-passed when an emergency decision needed to be made. Cousin is a radiographer and in certain circumstances (out of hours) sheā€™s not allowed take xrays without the ok of some pen pusher tucked up in bed. Bonkers carry on.

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We could do with a few years of benevolent dictatorship to clear out some of the vested interests. Restore democracy on a trial basis after ten years or so.

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Sometime tomorrow I reckon

Was it a contact tracing team who ring you or did you book with the gp

Itā€™s desperately unfortunate for the country that every single person making decisions in government and the hse is such a clueless incompetent cunt and everyone on twitter and TFK knows exactly what should be done. Maybe there should be a secondment scheme where people from the internet are brought into the logistical planning of the contact tracing, testing and vaccine roll out just until the crisis is over.


30 hours is my experience

Empty vessels make the most noise.

Contact tracing were in touch with eldest on the 26th we then got links that day to book the test and heard nothing until we got texts this morning with the appointments

Is that why the government have people trawling through twitter and adapting decisions based on reactions there?

Lunchtime tomorrow is my reckoning

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Youā€™re some bucko :rofl:

Your some man to reply to my posts with a series of nothing replies.

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Of the 9979 confirmed cases between the 13th and 26th of this month, 48.57% had symptoms at the time of the test. 17.03% had no symptoms and 34.4% is unknown.

I reckon thereā€™s about 600 odd cases that havenā€™t been confirmed in the daily case figures yet.

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Like at all stages throughout this, taking us for mugs is really irritating*. The absolute disingenuous bollox and guff theyā€™re feeding us to try to gloss over leaving the vaccines in a box for days offends me greatly. ā€œWe want to make sure itā€™s done safelyā€ is the line being used by Paul Reid, Varadkar etc.

Is the implication that nearly every other country in Europe well underway with vaccinations is cutting corners with safety or something? Then it appears that the delay is due to FORESEEN EVENTS like finalising consent forms and other documentation. The cheek of these fucking cunts.

And weā€™re back to the usual online simpletons man-marking anyone that criticises this indisputable shitshow. The standard comments are ā€œI see the epidemiology experts are now experts in logistics and vaccine programme roll out.ā€ No, we just donā€™t agree with leaving them idle for 4/5 days, you gormless, quarter wit, shilling wankers.

Iā€™m still so angry. The playground I was in this morning was very cold too (cc @briantinnion).

*Many of us are mugs.


Just practice some personal responsibility, pal