Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I would have thought a group setup as a world health organisation would at least be consistent on mask wearing and lockdowns with the public during a pandemic over 9 or 10 months.

Maybe things moved too fast for them.

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What is your solution, then?

Do tell.

The schools are online here since mid-October except kindergartens and the schools’ winter break has been brought forward from Jan 4-18th as a circuit breaker with the hope of getting the younger kids back to school before the end of January. Sending the schools online from October doesn’t seem to have made any difference in preventing the spread of the virus though.

So, as I’d imagined you went after Travellers straight away. Funny that, considering their interactions with Joe Public are minimal enough.

You like the slice of bread buttered both sides when it comes to COVID.

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I’m only a punter mate, but I would expect consistency at the very least along with some preparation for this on their side. The WHO were saying long enough the world was facing a pandemic.

Changing their minds halfway through this has not helped the general public in terms of adhering to and respecting the restrictions.

That in itself is a failure in my view.

I stated the facts outside of the travellers. They aren’t the only issue

Things moved too fast for everybody in fairness. Governments and Health bodies globally are learning as they go along.


The issue is personal responsibility. But, you clearly believe Lockdowns ( have we really had a proper one ) are a waste of time.

True enough, I don’t think they’ve helped matters though flip flopping on key aspects.

They’ve been talking about this pandemic coming for years - they should’ve had a definitive plan ready.

They have time machines?

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That last point is a fair one. I guess I make allowance for how sheer this crisis has been.

Bottom line: is allowing a medical system to be overwhelmed a price worth paying for non lockdown? I think not. And not just ethics but logic is involved. The point I made about millions of people, as close contacts, being in a de facto lockdown, within a non lockdown, was never addressed, let alone answered. This issue is economic as well as ethical.

Yes, the economic issues are terrible. But the alternative is far worse from all angles.


You’ve been destroyed AGAIN.

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Have a look here for yourself mate,they have a website on it with material going back 20 years.

Have I?

Just as well I suffer from aulophobia.

You would have got along beautifully with James Galway’s chin.

They can’t close them here because people are jealous that teachers get such long holidays. They also kept them closed too long the first time and had no consistency of approach to online learning across the country, some schools did loads some did nothing. It’s almost like those things now mean closing them is not even an option anymore.

:smiley::smiley:I’m nearly tempted to side with the OIUTF crew to see what kind of delightful put down you’d deliver.

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Another diamond right there :smile:



A Close contact in Cork… Over 180 people. A postal worker who tested positive but went to work because he wanted the over time… Christ above.

Personal responsibility.

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