Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

No excuse for that.

Cunt acting for a few cuid.


Lads wonā€™t listen. And we are where we are

The selfishness of lads is spectacular. Perhaps itā€™s ignorance too.

Sad fucking times

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Itā€™s happening all over the country thoā€¦ People donā€™t want to hear it, but loads of people are going about their business when confirmed or awaiting resultsā€™.

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Problem is that schools will become unmanageable, a lot more kids seem to be getting vivid in recent weeks, I know of quite a few, my daughters primary school has a mini epidemic at the moment, with siblings and riding cases in general itā€™s been nevitsblevon the current curve that schools will be under pressure,
Thereā€™ll be no extension to the school year @anon98850436, every school is set up for worthwhile online learning now

Iā€™ll drive to drive back to Limerick and get my weights again. FML my life

Or refusing to test once the indication of being a close contact is there.

Riding cases?

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Itā€™s Limerick Khiiiiiiiid.

Selfishness hereā€¦

You hate to see things get vivid.

You simply canā€™t trust humansā€¦ Personal interests will always be put first.


Siblings and riding cases. I thought heā€™d sent the young wan to Tipp for a minute

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Would this be the same WHO honcho who changed the definition of herd immunity, said the virus wasnā€™t transmissible between humans, stated that masks didnā€™t work, that lockdowns werenā€™t appropriate, that there was no evidence of asymptomatic transmissionā€¦and then changed his mind on all these pointsā€¦and who is largely funded by Belinda gates ā€¦?


Thinking is my speciality, I havenā€™t wasted my time chewing a thesaurus or riding 10,000 ugly queens.

Nobody, least of all me, has suggested giving the virus free reign. Lying weakens your argument.
If proper measures were put in place to protect care homes the death rate would have been halved.

Lockdowns havenā€™t worked and their extension for months has led to the situation we are in now. The cohort of young and healthy protected from a virus that was no threat to them are the ones driving the current spread. This fact is lost on the dimwits for whom thinking is a challenge.

It really bothers lockdown loons that Sweden has not had the projected 100k deaths. Time to admit defeat.


In fairness there are people too that wonā€™t be paid if they donā€™t show up for work in the meat factories etc, living week to week as it is.

Postal worker - zero excuse though.

People are incredibly selfish. Itā€™s why the bastards will eventually go extinct.

Lockdowns donā€™t work. Not in the western world anyway. A Chinese lockdown is a different story

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It drives them mental