Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Same way as it’ll drive some lads crazy if the HSE actually don’t make a balls of the vaccine.

They delay the inevitable increase once things open up again.

The false positives from the PCR tests needs to be discussed too though along with cloth mask effectiveness.

If the elderly were properly protected we would have an instant drop of 50% in deaths and hospital cases at least.

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Thinly veiled the country is fucking riddled


How does this happen?

I don’t really get how ye say lockdowns ‘don’t work’. In what way do they not work?
I don’t like them and hate the random restrictions they’ve introduced here and all the contradictions.
It seems clear enough they work though? When they ease lockdowns all the metrics go up when they impose them they eventually go down.
The fellas who think it’s all a cod are easier to understand but the likes of you @Tierneevin1979 and @Tim_Riggins who think it’s a real dangerous virus but are adamant lockdowns arent the answer confuse me.

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More people getting tested and not enough capacity mate.

The center out by the Ballysimon road is crazy busy. Queues of cars all day long.

It took me a solid hour today to get tested in ballysimon .

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5 minutes with the private tester then this morning.

are we in a situ where we havent enough testing capacity, not enough contact tracing capacity and not enough vacinating capacity? perfect storm


Have you any symptoms mate?

So it’s people waiting to be tested?

Thats the way its looking to me anyway mate.

Not a great look for this government 9 months later.

Ya cough and a prickly sensation in my throat. The fatigue has set in today too . Iv had worse hangover s hope it doesn’t get any worse now. Had the flu back in January and I was well worse with it .


They aren’t too worried about the infants and primary but secondary schools are where the issue is.

The teachers would be up in arms if one lot got to stay at home.

On line doesn’t work for the little ones. Back in a fish cake would rather sit at home than do an extra 6 weeks work. That’s teachers for you Cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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Rest up anyway and take it easy.

Either way you’ll be the finest. Netflix for two weeks with the feet up, could be worse.

Mrs Bod tested positive has a bit of a sore throat from this morning so out of the 4 of us its 2 and 2. Myself and the youngest will probably have to get tested again in a few days capacity constraints allowing etc.


I’m guessing its just the volume of test samples and the capacity isnt there to meet it in the labs.

That or Holohan and co are holding back numbers for a big announcement of fear. Doubtful to be fair.

Ya how bad , eventually my immune system should build up some tolerance to it . Be lads getting injections for the rest of their lives . Second they stop they’ll go down quick .

Bill had a sick tummy so he needed a covid test