Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

She must have had a harrowing time in that shed to be so fervently protecting the public from infection

I wonder does she still have the shed or has it been returned to the RTE props department or destroyed as a biohazard?

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Have you done an unofficial poll in your locality too, like @Massey and myself did yesterday?

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I alluded to this yesterday, the general population who don’t work for the civil service are fucking seething. People will just about put up with this lockdown but that’s it.They won’t do another one.

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Course she does.That shed is worth about 30k.

I noticed one of the red tops running a headline slamming the tracing shambles. That’s the type of thing that will mobilise the masses. Not that I necessarily think that’s a good thing.
To move on with life in a somewhat normal fashion people do need to pull together and obey the basic guidelines around the handwashing, distancing etc, but the way the Government have handled things over the past couple of weeks they are rapidly losing that buy in.

Would anyone have an issue with Government going after some top health service organiser and giving him obscene money on a 5 year contract with a massive bonus if certain metrics were being met by the end of his term?

Correct by and large. I haven’t heard of anyone kicked out - losing their job, most definitely.

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Tony might. And he’s more popular than Egghead. Only one winner there.

But you’re right. Someone outside the tent without their fingerprints over the current system is needed.

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Of course not but you can be sure some TD’s cousin or Dinny would get it.The metrics wouldn’t be met and the money would still be paid out plus they’d be rehired for another 5 years.

I know you are right.
I was thinking some foreign lad with a proven international track record.

Martin pushing things squarely back at Paul Reid

But sure you know that won’t happen.

But they will still face the same problems of Fiefdoms that exist in the HSE. The time to make it better was when it was being set up but Bertie destroyed that when he said that there would be no redundancies. What really needs to happen is to go back to the drawing board and start again?

That won’t happen.It definitely needs a total over haul.This auld shite of being promoted just caused you’ve been there so many years is bullshit.People need to be promoted based on ability.

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Absolutely, the chance was missed to rationalise it instead of adding a layer of bureaucracy on top of the regional health boards.

Bringing in an outside Tsar with a remit to shake things up would be the way but as you say existing vested interests wouldn’t be faced down and the unions would frame any attempt at rationalisation or changes to work practices as an attack on our brave nurses on 40k a year who put themselves in harm’s way, while the fatcat bosses get off Scot free

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I doubt this still happens in the HSE. It stopped in the civil service a good while back.

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Saw a great comment on Twitter where the person seriously questioned why weren’t the HSE listening to NPHET when they warned of the oncoming spike in cases?

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The person in charge of the tracing ramp-up is an EY partner seconded in (presumably at very high daily rates) …

Exactly.The HSE is top heavy with Breda’s and Mary’s who’ve been there donkeys years doin fuck all.A few less of them would leave more money for more nurses etc.

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