Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

“which probably isn’t any worst than the other worst flu years of the last 20 years”

The point was plain. Flippancy comes easily to the callous. If nothing else, the deflationary repetition of ‘worst’ implies something that occurs periodically in fairly mundane fashion. So does the reference to a 20 year stretch.

Whatever about Covid 19, obtuseness is clearly highly contagious.

Nay be bothering me further. I have plenty of tinfoil in a drawer somewhere.

You are nuts. And karma will come after you, on a pale horse.

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I will reply to you as long as you sprout utter horseshit.

You clearly don’t understand what immunity is, let alone herd immunity, nor how a vaccine works. I don’t have time to educate you, but such information is freely available.

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You should. He’s the chihuahua’s chandeliers and his stuff on lobsters is deadly.

“Long Covid”. Christ, let’s shut down society for something there is no evidence of because a few people feel tired after contracting a virus. You’re a rube.

We’ll all be getting swabbed up our Japs eye to check if we have immunity.

I should be able to spit in a jar and have them sample it . All this swabbing business is to make it look professional.

You could not educate a mickey to piss.

Now fuck off back to Mad Max world, where you can feel macho. The space is really a men’s shed, turpentine and halitosis and body odour. You are a fool, a dangerous fool, one who cannot even parse the difference between death rate and infection rate.

Karma will be along for you as well.

I’m caught in two minds in whether schools should be shut for longer. Will it decrease the spread of the virus? Yes but the cons I see to it are some parents will have to take time off work. Another con is that the distance learning will not be done by some students despite the best efforts of thr teachers. A 2 week extension of the winter break with a shorter Easter and extra week may be a good solution

“no evidence”

There is an opening for the likes of you in these terrible times: dentistry with a chisel.

Post your evidence of ‘long covid’ you clown. Or how about another naff analogy a 6th year would be cringing at? As someone else pointed out, you can’t even grasp the meaning of herd immunity.

Shutting the schools is no guarantee of reducing the numbers. Might as well try and let the kids live some kind of life at least while the rest of us patiently await the needle of truth


Believing in karma is another logical fallacy, you seem to be very prone to them.

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“As someone else pointed out”…

A demented clown who thinks the hard right stuff gives him a personality. Gjve me a break.

What evidence have you that long Covid sufferers are liars? Do tell.

Ye are just middle-aged kango hammers on a forum, delusional and powerless, thick enough for anything.

And nuts.

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@Malarkey is sending karma after you :joy: because he’s had a few too many whiskeys and can’t get his head around little tricky concepts like evidence and reason.

Wait and see.

Have seen same many times.

Wait and see.

Are you putting chilli flakes on your cornflakes yet mate?

But infection rate doesn’t translate to sick or hospitalisation either. It’s one of the really odd/frustrating/confusing things about this virus that lends itself to fuel ‘debates’ as seen here.

We’re reporting on average about 1500 cases a day for the last week or so yet ICU number’s are barely rising. I agree you don’t just sit there and watch number’s climb but going in and out of severe lockdowns surely creates as many problems as answers? Human nature being what it is you also lose an amount of compliance with each lockdown unfortunately. Fuck knows what the answer is but we’re getting a lot of arbitrary rules to our lockdowns about what can open and distance you can travel etc. And it’s leading to much frustration and non compliance… Young people really seem done with the whole thing.


Careful now or you’ll get a slap of karma as well.


“evidence and reason”

Turpentine and halitosis and body odour.

And back to the whisky line, the graceless concession’s graceless concession.

It gives me quiet satisfaction to know how much disadvantage being so unpleasant as well as so stupid must bring you. And will bring you.

I often thought the confidently stupid must feel they are listening to a Lambeg drum when they are the Lambeg drum.

Is that what @EstebanSexface has named his todger?