Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Italy was an anomaly and was over runā€¦ Weā€™re not seeing that and outside of nursing homes the ICU numberā€™s are worth watching as thatā€™s one of the main reason for lockdowns is it not? To slow down hospital/ICU admissions so our medics can copeā€¦ Itā€™s not to eradicate the disease.


Our leaders gave up. Lockdown is the only solution being put forward to questions that are not even being asked anymore. Itā€™s daily numbers, nphet warnings and lockdown ā€¦rinse, repeat and rinse and repeat.

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When will the first jab be rolled out in the aran islands ? Will they row a fridge across the waters ?

Iā€™ll jab you.

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Il set up a go fund me page for the lads on the island . Nobody gives a shit about them .the forgotten Irish

It will guarantee one of two things, numbers will drop due to case actually being in schools or without a drop shut up the same morons who think its the sole problem. Either way I donā€™t see numbers dropping. Ramp up vaccine roll out timelines and OIUTF

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After tonight iā€™m more fearful of karma than the virus.



Iā€™d imagine Gearoid Hegarty can hardly lie straight in the bed with whatā€™s coming to him.


We have to close down the schools lads. For at least 3 months to cope with the virus.

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That and the sheer length of him.

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Matt Hancock has just announced the UK will be out of this nightmare by Spring with the announcement of the Oxford vaccine being approved.

All of @Malarkey 's bluster about being smarter than everyone else and heā€™s going on about karma :laughing:


Heā€™s a chameleon. A Karma Chameleon.

The arbitrary rules will be reviewed today and more arbitrary rules will be announced.

This is the danger really though isnā€™t it? Your son had the typical dose for young healthy people but the variety of ways it affects is staggering, if we become that blasĆ© about it were likely to be in trouble

Opening everything up and forcing the elderly and vulnerable to cocoon for a year at least while the virgin S runs absolutely rampant all around would have been extraordinarily cruel IMO


All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.

Iā€™m positive :mask:

Il be a hse statistic now

When were you tested bill?

Sorry to hear that

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Best of luck @bill

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