Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

How did you get it?

This really pissed me off. Could we not just get over this one and then worry about the next one? Obviously governments and that need to be planning but saying this to the media this week is just creating more fear. People need some bit of a break or theyā€™ll go mad.

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Ebola TB Aids are all diseases that are much worse than this one. And there are millions in the wild that could jump to humans. Its inevitable that we will have another pandemic, from reading that I take that the WHO is saying we need to shift focus to research these other potential pandemics and be ahead of the disease if there is an outbreak. Look what we have achieved in less than 12 months and we were caught on the hop. Better planning is needed in future. This is a wake up call

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thats just it. Similarly cases where old and vulnerable people have got it but have been perfectly fine. I dont think Iā€™d want to see my elderly relatives take on that game of russian roulette.

My issue with this whole thing though is the absolute contradictory nature of the lockdowns and recommendations and advice. Iā€™m not doing anything stupid in spite of it all, but I can see how younger people especially are just saying fuck this to it all. We can drink, but with food. We cant have dinner with our family, but can go to a crowded shopping centre of strangers. Dont wear masks, wear masks. I know it is all unprecedented and it is changing as it goes along, but even the levels of restrictions, a complete waste of time as they have certain changes on each one depending on what way the wind is blowing at that time. I only hope the vaccine is successful and lets us get back to a proper sense of normality, not this ā€œnew normalā€ bullshit being peddled the whole time.


Whatā€™s the latest with the outbreak down your way? Under control?

Mary Wilson said the science changed, pal. And that our government is right all the time, if others are doing different they are wrong. Fall in.


so so. they set up a covid testing centre in the GAA pitch in Ramsgrange. Our local doctor, which would be the next village over has been really good giving out the numbers for his practice. I saw the figures in the past week online somewhere, something like 200 odd tested and about 10 positive. So thats in the next village to the main outbreak, so I would imagine its still bad there really. I think his practice has had near 50 confirmed cases up to Christmas day, bringing the overall total to about 60 or so directly related to the funeral. So Iā€™d imagine the doctors practice in Duncannon has had a lot more. There was nearly 200 confirmed cases in the New Ross district, the vast majority around this area. Itā€™s certainly slowing down, but not gone and still has a high rate.

Other places have shut down hospitality sectors as well mate. Almost unilaterally across Europe.

Places where people congregate are naturally going to be restricted in a pandemic.

Why do people feel like its personal?

Theres nothing I feel personal, and lockdowns have been more severe in other countries.

Again, its the contradictory nature of it all. You can have 50 at a wedding, 25 at a funeral. Why the difference? Why do some sectors get completely closed down with no cases, but others (like the whole meat processing plants) just plough on regardless with no consequences. Why did Kildare, Offaly and Laois get locked down independently to other counties, but yet counties with similar figures didnt?

The trust in the government of handling this right is long gone. I thought they started reasonably well, maybe thats when it was rampant deaths in Italy and Spain so people were fearful, but they speak about the virus like a living being, that it doesnt stop on weekends and such shit. Yet we have a vaccine roll out plan that is slower than a wet week and sitting there doing nothing because, well no one knows really why it wasnt put into place straight away like other countries. Granted, the Dutch are slowest reacting to a vaccine plan, but that doesnt excuse them, nor us either. Has the question been asked of the government, the HSE or NPHET as to why the vaccine as soon as it arrived wasnt rolled out straight away? Why the near week wait?

Thats my issue, I can deal with lockdowns (and moan about them too) but I cant deal with incompetency and contradicting advice


Hospitality isnā€™t essential. Food processing is. I mean, thatā€™s a no brainer, fella

Funeral homes are generally smaller than hotel receptions, I guess for the funeral bit.

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Generally a different demographic attending also

It takes a month for the vaccine to kick in we are told . If it only last 6 months and are doing 50,000 a week weā€™ll never get on top of it . Pissing against the wind .

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Communication as Iā€™ve said from the start is the biggest problem here from the government.

Somewhere between the expert advice and communication through government things are diluted to almost simplistic levels.

They should be explaining the why instead of telling the what


but in individual cases, the meat plants just kept operating. Iā€™m not saying a blanket ban of shutting down a sector, but when somewhere has an outbreak, it should be closed down. Yet it wasnt. Whereas other places were. Or that there was no overall contingency or inspection or operational plan set up or put in place to ensure these places operated in a safe environment.

Churches are the same size whether there is a funeral or wedding. As for the demographics, yeah, that may be the case, but I dont know whether one can categorically say that is the reason for it.

Ireland doesnt seem to be the only one making a balls of it all. We arent New Zealand, so a complete isolation and lockdown was never going to work for us. At all. I just feel like the inaction in a lot of instances and then complete over reaction to their previous inaction is losing a lot of public trust that they can do it right. The Ireland Italy rugby game due to be played in March was cancelled in February. Yet the Department of Health hosted a global alcohol awareness 3 day conference in Dublin in March. And absolutely nothing said about that.


Most of the communication experts for the HSE are ex journalist twitter mouth pieces. As clueless to whatā€™s going on as the goverment :joy::joy: NPHET know whatā€™s going on but only release what suits them

Remember when they introduced 5 different levels for clarity and then a week later introduced level 3 plus


Was there an outbreak after in meat plants? I think they put a lot of work in to making them safer, similar to the initial fuck ups with nursing homes.

People need food to be produced. They donā€™t need to go to a public house for food or alcohol.

The county lockdown thing was a trial, I suspect, to see if they could implement localised restrictions. I was dubious as to whether that could work in Ireland, given how small we are, and I think they just decided to say fuck it. If we shut Dublin down we might as well go for the full duck

I was highly critical of the response in Feb/March because of how slow they were to react, but since then theyā€™ve kept the hospitalizations and ICU and subsequently deaths as low as humanely possible while having grace periods to alleviate lockdown pressure.

They havenā€™t been perfect because itā€™s impossible, but they havenā€™t been as bad as is made out on here.

Thereā€™s a cohort on here whoā€™ve made it their lifes work to demean and criticise absolutely everything involved in the pandemic response.

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Perhaps itā€™s some consolation that if your under 50 your chances of coronavirus killing you are about the same without the vaccine as with it.

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yeah I know TFK is a place you have to be either far right or far left, but Iā€™m not going to take either side as a realistic argument point. Having hopsitilisation and ICU numbers and also deaths low is a success, however it is also following all other trends globally too with how the virus seems to be going. So they do deserve credit, albeit with an *.

At the same time, both the government and NPHET should be challenged a lot more than they are. RTE are brutal in their coverage with the constant scaremongering and reporting of everything in a negative light. Neither NPHET nor the government seem to be challenged nor questioned on anything they do or suggest, and when they are, it is met with ridicule and a sense of suppression that mere plebs like us have no idea of what is going on and they wouldnt understand their superior intellect. Not unlike a couple of posters on here actually.

But you made a point earlier of them needing to explain the what and not the what, and that is it. But they dont have to do that because the media, by and large, are just sitting there regurgitating the conferences and not asking the questions for the whys. They have never been made accountable or answered why they did what they did at certain stages or why they propose what they propose. Its just thrown out and people are expected to blindly follow. And people wont do that if they dont trust the ones telling them to do it.