Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Swab data will be out between 3 and 4. Backlog of approx. 1500 to be factored in to the daily figures yet.

Germany confirmed 1129 deaths this morning and about 5600 in ICU.

Season changes and more people interacting indoors only possible reason for higher numbers imo.

At least back in March / April people could meet up outside and keep spread lower.

Not a good sign seeing numbers like that in Germany.

How are Spain & Portugal faring in this wave? This upcoming Cold Spell could be disastrous.

Lockdown fatigue in a big way there.

Could be between 3500 and 4K today

What’s a case exactly?

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The schools are gone

Is this a premonition?

I see the tans have listened to @glenshane and are waving the white flag regarding the ÂŁ150 a time PCR debacle
Hospital capacity will suddenly increase to something like normal capacity once nurses aren’t being sent home for having had a headcold at some point in the previous few months

Back in tier 4.

Lot of traffic around Blanchardstown. Tony will not be happy

It’s better yet. They don’t believe a positive test. Herself had them. If it’s positive, you have to go and have a retest in front of witnesses :laughing:


Kelly is forever tarnished with Irish Water.


Meat plants were warned about for months, both by unions and others. They had driven outbreaks across Europe. We sat on our hands about them and reacted when they became a big problem. Same with nursing and care homes in the first wave. NPHET never considered them for months and the HSE even told nursing homes looking for help to shag off. They were responded to afterwards. This is the hallmark of our response, not wanting to take responsibility for something by being proactive leading to greater problems down the line.

I would say that our response to the pandemic has largely been reactive rather than proactive at nearly every stage. Since the first wave it has also been marked by an ultra cautious approach, the aim isn’t to facilitate life to the greatest degree safely possible, it is to restrict to the greatest degree possible, because then responsibility for loss of life or other negative effects cannot attach to our health experts.


This really needs to be highlighted more. It reveals the set the public health experts have had against alcohol from the outset and casts their outlook in pubs in a wholly different light.


Our approach has been similar to almost everywhere in the western world.

We went into lockdown early before Christmas because of pressure to have it as open as possible for Christmas. We were in a semi decent place in comparison to the rest of Europe 3 weeks ago. We opened up and now we’re not.

If NPHET said we should start killing our neighbours? Would Esteban be calling over the neighbours brandishing a meat cleaver?


Because I haven’t fallen into the pity party is it?

An utter failure that time. Took over from Hogan acting Billy Big Balls but quietened fairly quickly.

It’s not well explained by I imagine they have done some modelling* on this (surely). I would imagine that they somehow look at how many gatherings occur of what type and how many people at such gatherings and form some sort of view as to how many interactions occur or cases arise as a result. Then they work back to reduce the number of interactions and resultant cases. So it doesn’t mean that X number at a funeral is as safe as Y number at a wedding, but that at a high level, the number of interactions or resultant cases lands out at something we can manage or live with. It doesn’t mean it should be the same number for every gathering or setting.

Of course they should explain that or else it looks arbitrary and contradictory. Or maybe I’m giving them too much credit.

*Now granted our modelling guru is a bollox and has been shown up on a number of occasions but that’s a different point.

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Because you defend every utterly crazy policy and restriction they recommend.

Do you think the vaccine rollout is a shitshow or are you going to defend that too?

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