Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You said they didnt have a strategy or implementation plan? They do. You lied

Initial rollout wasnt supposed to be until early 2021.

I wonder who the blame will fall on for snails pace roll out of vaccine. Govt shills and lackies will probably blame heroin addicts for slow roll out. Just like they have deflected everything else during last year.

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They clearly don’t but you’ve proven you will back whatever fuck up or catastrophe the gov and NPHET make of this situation.

Be interesting to see who @EstebanSexface blames.

They do. Its outlined above in full colour in documents.

Whether or not they stick to the plan or strategy remains to be seen.

You lied by saying the hadn’t a plan, they do.

You are in the pity whirlpool

Ah yes.

Keep on defending the clowns who are making a mess of this, you docile fool.

I haven’t defended anyone. I’ve been fairly critical of the HSE here.

But you’ve made up your mind. You’ve an intelligence like a train. One direction, one track and often in a dark tunnel

Did you read it? I posted that here ages ago.

It’s the usual guff with no firm delivery timelines.

You seem to have cognitive dissonance as you immediately jump at anyone with very valid concerns and criticism of how this is being handled with by those governed with responsibility.

Who’ve I jumped at here?

You butted in with some inane thing about me murdering neighbours.

Look, there is absolutely no point discussing anything with you on here.

You’re the most one tracked person I’ve ever seen

You are jumping at anyone who criticises official strategy.

They never put hard dates on anything. It exists. The claim was it didn’t

It is actually more detailed than I thought it would be.

Whether that is what will be implemented is a different story

Ok mate.

We have a vaccine supply via our EU membership and product is distributed with regard to population on a proportional basis. Didn’t EU countries receive the initial supply at the same time the other day? It’s just that we put ours in a warehouse for 4 days. Crediting the HSE with having a pallet already is bizarre.

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That’s actually a criticism. Not a credit. But ya.

You should tell that to Stephen Donnelly and media lackeys who were using it a great PR moment

You’re a naive man.

What did you expect them to do? It’s politics.

Again, viewed from afar, it is. But there has been a lot of variance between our management and other countries at various points.

For example, we had far more deaths per capita than most of Europe in the first wave. But we did better in the second wave. A year from now we’ll be saying we fared well for deaths against EU comparators and came out midtable, when really there should be investigations into the appalling neglect of nursing homes that happened earlier.


I’m not naive. You seem to be one who swallows everything he is fed by NPHET and government without daring to ask questions, are you a little embarrassed?

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