Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Thereā€™s a difference between ranting and raving all day every day and questioning things.

I agree with some of the restrictions and not others.

I just happen to think decisions arent been made in bad faith or for ulterior motives. Youā€™re in the pity party.


Youā€™re the one who is blindly defending any criticism of NPHET and the gov in this thread on a daily basis.

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Does that make you feel sorry for yourself?

Iā€™m just calling out how you blindly defend every catastrophe NPHET and gov preside over and you know itā€™s true.

No. You seem to think itā€™s true. And youā€™ve a very narrow mind.

You can think it all you want. You can even know it in your soul.

It makes no difference to me.

Does that make you feel sorry for yourself?

We know it makes no difference to you.

You have on track in your mind, defend NPHET and gov policy at every turn, regardless of facts or the insanity of their policies.

Does that make you feel sorry for yourself?

Donā€™t know what you mean.

I find it bizarre that you stick your oar in to defend every fuck up the Gov make.

The extra 3 days off school will set a few lads over the edge here.

Stephen Donnelly

So really the focus right now has to be on doing everything that is necessary to surprise this virus while we get vaccinating

Ok, youā€™ve made your mind up on this one.

I dont really mind what you think. I dont want to add to your pity

Oh I know. You are going to keep on coming on this thread and defending very single fuck up the Gov and NPHET make of this, regardless.

Is that another little thing youā€™ll get outraged by?

Iā€™m sorry if I interrupt the circle jerk pity party every now and again mate, with my opinion.

Iā€™m entitled to it though.

Donnelly has nearly over taken Shane Ross in the ā€œpoliticians I thought would be decent but turned out to be absolutely ineptā€ stakes


Iā€™m not outraged. I just called out your blanket defence of every fuck up NPHET and the Gov make. You donā€™t seem to think they should be accountable for their remit which is bizarre and you get a bit ratty when taken to task on this.

Mate you called me out saying Iā€™d murder my neighbours or some shit.

Look youā€™ve made your mind up. From experience thereā€™s no point talking to you about it.

Iā€™ll leave ye at the circle jerk altogether. Ye are very defensive of it.

Did he actually say that?

Nearly? I thought he had overtaken Ross with his how dangerous trampolines are. The guy is just a bullshitter and like most bullshitters they get caught out when the shit hits the fan.

1718 cases

13 deaths