Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I imagine he meant suppress.

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The Wicklow constituency has produced some questionable ministers of late.

I made a point that no matter what ridiculous position NPHET or the government adapt you will row in behind them without daring to question or criticise them. You then made a point of proving that to us. You point blank refuse to acknowledge they have a made a complete and utter disaster with the vaccine rollout when anyone can see it.

Why would you need me to validate your opinion. Theres enough lads in the pity party already doing that for you

Iā€™ve criticised it but not enough for the pity party it seems.

You havenā€™t. You defended it when I asked you on it.

Itā€™s your default position regardless of facts around the matter.

Ok mate you can read my words and interpret them however you want. That is your way. Iā€™ve said it a few times now. I donā€™t know how I can keep repeating myself, which is something you specialise in, and convince you otherwise.

Iā€™ll even let you have the last word if you want.

This will be a very tough month for people. This absolutely HAS to be the last of this nonsense now thereā€™s a vaccine.

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We are where we are now lads


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Oh jesus Christ.

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Lockdown and vaccine. We might get some bit of a Crimbo next year. Unfortunately horse racing wont be banned

Horse racing is intrinsic to the mental wellbeing of the Irish people


It is important as hurling, especially NH


3rd day of a very slight cough here, Iā€™ll have the results tonight or tomorrow, if this is covid, it is some fucking joke, I went for a spin on the bike around London and had 2 takeaway pints of Guinness

The virus loves alcohol

Great. Schools closed until the 11th and already more or less deserted swimming pools closed too. Whatever about gyms (people can exercise outside), swimming pools are absolutely essential for people with an array of physical conditions and kids with autism.


They havenā€™t been a consideration since March, why start now


My read on this based on my experience is that the testing system is close to collapse. They simply canā€™t test the number of people lined up for testing within any reasonable time frame. Theyā€™d actually be better off at this stage to tell anyone with symptoms and their immediate family to stay in their houses for fourteen days and leave it at that.

