Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The tests have returned a positive result though.

Have we lost the element of suppress?


The queues at the Ballysimon covid test centre are absolutely ridiculous. It’s a drive through one. It’s actually mental the amount of cars there pretty much 24/7 (or however long its opened)

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January is a cold month for a kid to be swimming in the sea but needs must. He has a good wet suit so we’ll just have to adapt.


We should be just throwing everything at the vaccine at this stage.

Testing and tracing won’t get us out of this sorry mess.

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That’s the situation here. It’s so much hassle getting a test that people don’t bother. I know a few people who had symptoms and just stayed home to see it out. Only problem is whether you can trust people to isolate and I don’t think you can.

Maybe there is somebody in the area with a private pool? Even a school maybe?


over fifty k today in the mainland, nearly 1000 deaths, unreal figures, absolutely savage

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The high level task force on the roll out of the vaccine contains all the usual HSE and DoH heads as well as a posse of random public officials including bizarrely the head of the IDA. There is an “expert” in cold chain logistics of whom I can find no mention on the Internet, though there is a chap of the same name high up in the HSE. It’s basically an exercise in assembling a team of bureaucrats skilled in providing cover to Ministers. Nobody with any business experience or pharma experience and no lawyer that might have seen the consent issue coming down the tracks.

Also you’d assume Tony Holohan and some of the others might have had enough on their plate dealing with some of the other consequences of the pandemic without needing to be all over the vaccination roll out as well.

cc @Bandage

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Alan Kelly called for a Minister to be appointed to specifically deal with the vaccine roll out a few months back but it fell on deaf ears.


It’s not unrealistic for the rollout to be a 24/7 job. We’ve billions payed for private hospitals we didn’t use all that much, spent a fortune on the PUP - why can’t we pay double time to nurses and administrators to work through this vaccination process to keep people safe?

All this bollix about consent for those who don’t have their faculties. Ring the next of kin, give the consent in writing by the close of business the following day or they drop to the end of the queue for the vaccine.

There’s zero ambition to start getting through the population with this golden ticket. Ah we’ll do a few here and there, no rush.

It’s noticeable how the government/HSE/NPHET haven’t announced how many have got the jab yet. Says it all really.


Since they started counting covid infections in February/March how many people have been infected with the virus so far? Of the new cases that have been reported today how many of them are reinfections?

Does it matter?

0 I’d imagine. It would be big news if there was 1

Edit: Sorry thought you just meant Ireland. There’s been very few I think

It’s ok, the vaccine roll out in the capable hands of Stephen Donnelly.

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How many were vaccinated today needs to be beside the case numbers each evening. Otherwise it gives NPHET a free pass.


Taoiseach Martin would put you asleep when he is talking

It would be interesting to know what percentage of the population has been infected with covid and how many have been reinfected with covid?

They just keep throwing out these numbers and not giving any context behind them. It would also be good to know out of all the people infected what percentage needed hospitalisation and of those that were hospitalised how many needed ICU care? At least give the some information around the numbers.